Cycle Buddy? CD9


Well-Known Member
May 28, 2016
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Hey :wave:

Is there anybody round about same CD? Just for general chit chat etc, TTC page is really slow and need to keep my mind occupied and me sane LOL! x
I'm CD13 Only 4 days ahead of you. How are you doing? x

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I'm CD8 today. First round of clomid done. No idea when I may ovulate lol
I'm CD11 and also trying to occupy my mind - TTC is just so slooow! Xxx
Morning ladies :)

Finished my soy yesterday. Ov will be next week sometime. It is slooow Elsa. Currently working nights so constantly thinking about ttc etc through the night :(

I am feeling good just tired as not sleeping well through the day. Counting down til Monday morning for my week off - whoop! Xx
come and join symptom spotters anonymous. I'd go mad without those ladies lol xx
Lol that's just willing me symptom spot in my 2ww lol! :)
This is the issue with having time off work! I work in a school so am on my 5th (I think) week off so my head is completely full of ttc and babies.
I have everything planned in my head we even have names just need bear cub to come along.

It's so hot today. Struggling to sleep again :(

Anybody trying anything this month? Xx
I've been waking up through the night and I'm blaming my clomid for that. Never had such restless sleep in my life before!

The doctor told me to try smep during my fertile period. My oh lives at his work which is 3hrs away. IF my scan at the weekend goes well and they tell me the clomid's working I think I'll be making a pitstop next week for some dtd time.

We've been told his swimmers are really good so I'm not too worried about dtd next week. I think we should be covered regardless if I don't go visit. I just need the damn egg!
The only different thing I'm trying this month is a bit less sex. Young sperm may be as strong as 3 days old sperm to get to the egg. I have waited now since Sunday. Can't wait to DTD tonight. Of course I will DTD every day as soon as opk is positive :) x

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Sugar pop - get yourself to him for some surprise sex :) I hope clomid helps you pop out an egg :)

Charlotte - I bet the less sex is killing you and oh, you both have a good sex drive. I am hoping my oh bucks up his drive for next week lol!

Morning Charlotte. I find it very strange to have sex every 2 days. I won't be able to resist on weekend and I won't. I will have sex every day. Too much control is bad too.
I was taking pregnacare this cycle and I think it has affected my cycle. I never have creamy cm before ovulation. Yesterday I had creamy and tinged. Cm looks like 3 days before AF.
So I stopped taking it. And will only take the basic vitamins as of now. I'm CD14 today.
How are you doing? Have you DTD this cycle? x

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How was oh's sperm analysis? Is that the reason for the sex every other day?

Only BD CD5 & 6 haven't done anymore due to me working nights and him days but not due to O til middle of night week so hope we will still be in the running.

I think my conception tablet might of made me later last cycle. Hoping nothing else messes with it or I will just cut back to folic acid and vid d. Xx
Oh sperm analysis were great. I was very pleased. He brought me a sheet with results.
I'm doing every second day cause it's something we haven't done before. But once weekend is here I'll do every day cause it's hard to resist.
What conception vitamins do you take? I've cut back to basic ones. No more messing around with strong ones.
Well youve been waiting for sex some time now. More that 7 days sperm gets too old. So you want to do before that happens. Can you do it tonight? x

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That's fantastic news about oh sperm :yay: enjoy the weekend.

I just take Vit D with Calcium, B Complex and Iron.

We are passing ships this week unfortunately :wall: nights really get in the way. We off together Monday so will start the BD then. Xx
Oh hun Monday is not that far. Hope your oh gets in the mood. Its good not to have sex for a few days. They will be strong swimmers. When are you starting opks? x

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I hope he will be :D Will try and push for every other day next week so i am covered.

Was going to start them Sunday, FF predicting Weds for Ov but think soy might bring it forward a day or 2. Not sure tho.

Are you doing opks yet? x
I would not trust ff too much. You know you body better than ff :).
Defo push him for every other day. I was doing every other and its great. But on weekend I will continue every evening cause really can't resist.
I felt very horny yesterday so that made me so opk and it was positive. When are you starting opks? x

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