Crying Baby


Well-Known Member
May 16, 2005
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More advice needed girls!

Noah when he is awake (normally mornings and evenings) tends to cry a lot. you can do something with him fr a few mins then he gets bored, start sreaming again and you have to try something else, this can go on for hours at a time and is very draining. He seems unable to be content without constant interaction. Normally he is happiest in his bouncy chair which is a god send but at the same time a reall pain, if you stop rocking it for a second, even if you think he is asleep, he wakes and screams for you to continue.

What Im wondering is, am I making a rod for my own back by instantly giving in to his demands the second he cries ao doing what he wants?
My Gran said with all 3 of her children she fed and changed them at set times the rest of the time she ignored them, while this is very extreme, they all turned out well. I do wonder if all of our fussing around children these days is why we have so many little horror children running around always getting there own way?

I cant stand to hear Noah cry but at the same time it is doing my head in to have to constantly engage him by rocking/pacing/swaying him for hours on end, am I best off letting him cry sometimes?
babys do sometimes just want u to hold them or interact with them and at 3 in the morning its not we wanna do we are trying the pick up put down routine and also just laying him in his moses basket to fall asleep by himself it cant do a baby any good kepp running to every wimper as they will become dependant on that :D
wow cat you must be knackered, i have a bouncy chair for jamie which actually vibrates so saves the need for constant bouncing with your foot!! i bought it for 19.99 from argos but im sure you could get a cheaper one maybe from good old ebay!!
Luckily Jamie is such a contened baby and is happy just watching the telly!!! (lol telly addict already!!)so i cant say i know what your going through but he likes watching the colours etc on the tv so perhaps put his chair near the tv ???or put the radio on maybe?? soz im not much help it must be frustrating with him crying a lot, is he not colicky?? as there is many things you could try if he is, i think they have a high pitch scream when they have colic??!!
Hi Cat
My baby is nearly 3 weeks now.
I`ve found with my babies you can`t really spoil them in the first 6 weeks, if he wants to be held hold him when u can. Don`t worry if he cries a bit though, when you have more than 1 you have to let them cry a bit!!!
How`s he sleeping at night? Daisy is asleep most of the day and not so easy to settle at night :( I`m totally knackered!!! I just can`t wake her up in the day
love Lucy xx
I really feel for you cat, my second was like that for the first 3 months until he just settled down, i gave him as much attention as i could but had an 11month old aswell so couldnt give in immediately everytime, the things i found that helped were sittin him in front of the washin machine when it was on, or the tumble dryer was good too, but best of all was the hoover, having the hoover on either in the room with him or another room worked wonders, and on the times it didnt settle him i didnt have to hear him and could relax a little because it does pull your heart strings to hear them cryin.
I hope you get some rest :)
Right well I have been experimenting!
I have caved in and started using a dummy. I use it as a last resort so it dosent substitute affection. So basically when he cries I play with him as much as poss then rock him in his chair till my foot falls off! (my chair has a vibrate feature too, but its not vigorus enough, he likes to be rocked hard!) and then give him the dummy. Also I have stopped going to him immediatly, I try to deal with him whilst doing things, (yesterday I had him strapped to me in the sling whilst I made dinner and showed him all the vegetables!) but if Im in another room now doing something like the washing up or making up bottles I carry on with what Im doing and let him cry till Im ready to go to him.

He sleeps pretty well at night luckily but he can be a very noisy sleeper so I fid it hard to tune out of his sounds and get to sleep myself.
Like one of the girls said, in the first few weeks it's good to go to them so they know they are communicating their needs properly to you but as time goes on you do have to leave them a bit longer as they will have to get used to playing and being on their own (in the cot etc) and they won't do this if you go to them all the time.

Dom is like this, he needs constant entertaining when awake, but when he cries after i have done everything for him, sometimes I have no choice but to let him cry for a few mins or I will go mad. And you need to be in good shape too.

Hope this helps, it's hard the old do I give too much or too little question.
like steph said, if alana looks bored we prop her up in her moses basket in front of telly, she sits there hours contented watching the colours


or sits by my laptop and watches me chat


:lol: she only cries when hungry or really wet nappy. to be honest she can lie on blanket and look at ceiling kicking her legs about for over an hour and not make a sound, think we are just lucky. he he he he
Do you use a dummy even though Alana doesn't cry then paradysso?
Also thought of something else, if little one is fed, changed etc and it's two hours or so since he last slept and is still not happy, he may need some quiet time and a nap, a mate suggested this to me and Dominic was the same and it works for me I find if Dom gets like this he is over stimulated and needs to take some quiet time to digest things.
Those bouncers are great Ryan loves his... they sound hilarious as the batteries go flat lol
Heres Ryan in his not a very good pic but my lil man still looks gorgeous lol (sorry i know im biased but he is just too gorgeous!!
Thats the same bouncy chair we have, its the sure fire way of settling Noah!

I can now report however that Noah seems much happier now, he is a lot more content and can amuse himself better before resorting to crying, also where he was very restless in the evening he is a lot better. I feed on a shedule of every four hours which seems to work well with him, and every morning when he wakes up and is restless I lie in bed on my back with him tummy to tummy and this puts him back to sleep (and is lovely) I worry now that hen he sleeps through the evening that he will be awake when its time for bed, but he has been very good, he now has lots of small amounts of time awake, as opposed to a few long fraustrating grizly times awake.

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