

Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2014
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My LO has just turned 6 month and he's sitting up unaided, he will sit and play for ages and reach forward and grab his toys and pull himseld back up to sitting upright. He can roll very easily both ways and has been doing all this now since 5 months.

My question is what age did your Lo's start crawling is there anything we can do to encourage them to do it? if I put my LO on his tummy he will just lie there, he try's to grab his toys if I put them out of reach but when he realises he can't reach he just stops Trying and lies there! Lazy little thing lol

Thanks xxx
Hi my little girl is 9.5 months and has no interest in crawling. She could sit and roll at 6 months and at 7 she would go around in circles on her tummy and sometimes backwards a little but she makes no effort to crawl. If I put toys in front of her she will do circles on her tummy or roll to get to what she wants.

My lg loves to stand though and I think she might skip crawling and maybe walk at some point soon
My LG crawled at 7.5 months, my DS at 8.5 months. I wouldn't worry about crawling yet! Enjoy your little boy being still for a little while longer yet. It's a real headache when they move!
My little girl didn't crawl until she was 11.5months! I wouldn't worry about encouraging crawling - it'll just make your life harder lol! Enjoy the immobile time while you can! :)
Ahh yeah I am enjoying the immobile days but I'm always eager for him to the next thing lol... My LO also loves standing with support obviously! he would do it all day if my arms would withstand it, maybe he will skip crawling. xxx
My lb started crawling about 7.5 months old, he's still crawling now at almost 13 months and standing up with support and sofa surfing but no real interest in standing/walking independently. My friends lg is 2 weeks older than Caleb, she didn't start crawling until she was about 11 months and is now walking so even if they're a late crawler it doesn't mean much! x
My son started to crawl at 6 months and my daughter started at 9 months. Both of them started by when lying on tummy pushing themselves up onto their hands and knees and did that first a while then started to rock back and forth then eventually started to crawl it was quite a slow process for my daughter is think my son did it a little quicker but every babies different. My son didn't crawl first long and was walking when he turned 9 months where as my daughters quite happy with crawling and pulling up. Definitely enjoy the immobile stage as they get into everything and anything lol xxx

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