

Well-Known Member
Nov 23, 2015
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Iknow it's normal to cramp and have been for the last 5 days. The cramping usually happens when I'm asleep/trying to sleep and wake me.
I was lay in bed last night and the cramping got pretty bad and could only lye on my back, which was the only position the cramping would stop. Anyway after that I've had no cramps at all :( should i be concerned now, iknow I'm still early but gah I'm reading into everything.
I haven't been peeing as much usually have to get up during the night, i didn't. I have been feeling sick off and on and I dont know.
Still getting positive hpt though
Heh, I think I just need reassuring :p x
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My different symptoms come and go. I've a couple of days here and there where I didn't pee as frequently and a few nights where I've slept through the night without getting up to pee, including yesterday night, but I was up several times again last night. When I think back, I usually didn't drink as much. Cramps have been off and on and not always the same, sometime lower abdomen and sometime more in my legs. My boobs have gone from hurting when just sitting still to only feeling it if they are squeezed (which I've done just to double check) or if I run or jump (not that I'm doing much of that right now)- it's my nipples that are far more sensitive now.

Symptoms can change and come and go, it's when they all disappear for more than a day that I would begin to worry.
How many weeks are you? When I was about 8/9 weeks I got quite a lot of painful cramping I think it's just baby getting comfy for the rest of its growing time inside you. Xx
I had very painful cramps early on, so painful with bleeding so I thought I was miscarrying I ended up in a & e it was that bad but all was fine. Cramps are very scary but can also be a good sign that baby is getting comfy and the uterus is growing xx if your tests are getting darker then that would fit with baby growing and everything stretching xx
my cramps are settling down now but I've had them since I found out pretty much I still get them if I've done too much
I've had mild cramps throughout. my uterus is or was lying on my bladder preventing me somewhat from needing to wee. I dot have that urge unless I'm desperate I know I need to go coz I feel heavier it's weird but even after I empty my bladder the scabs show my bladder is full. I also have been dehydrated which limits the peeing too! (and increases pains in the belly as I found out after being rushed to hospital in a nee-nor.) Lots of things are happening in there so take each step as it comes. Nothing can prevent the worst but nothing can stop a good pregnancy either. I think snowbee and Bellarina can phrase that much better than me lol
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Hi hun...I'm 7 weeks tomorrow and iv had on and off cramps since 2ww!! Actually mentioned it to Dr this morning (was there for sickness) and he wasn't concerned said it's body stretching basically. When I had my mc in Sept I had a tiny amount of cramping but the crps didn't kick off until I started bleeding and losing baby. I'm sure what you are feeling is baby getting comfy. If however you are concerned you can see gp. Unless it is accompanied with bleeding tho I think you r ok xxx
Ps I had awful pains last Fri like a shooting pain/stitch but all ok. Baby has had me with head in toilet ever since xx
Hi Hun I'm cramping more than I did last time, I've also got pain from not
Able to go the loo tmi sorry. Also my scar from c section is stretching and everything's changing so keep testing if you feel it'll reassure you xxxx
My cramps were awful until 3 days late, I am around 4 weeks and they have pretty much gone now so they lasted for about 7-8 days in all. I think it's a good sign (it was my only sign!!)
Jams mom that's basically what mine have done now. They were so bad then just suddenly stopped yday.
I hope its a good sign, thought it was bad :( xx
Jams mom that's basically what mine have done now. They were so bad then just suddenly stopped yday.
I hope its a good sign, thought it was bad :( xx

Yes, mine woke me up last week so bad I had to take 2 para & 2 Ibru and I have a good pain threshold! (Before I thought I was pregnant!!) I was sure I'd have AF in the morning.....

I've just this evening started getting heartburn which is the one thing I remember getting really badly with my DS (now 10) so I think it's a good albeit annoying sign!!!
I used to get acid reflux and indigestion alot, for the lastcyear its been fine, it came back last weel for ,e! How many weeks are you ? :) x

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