I read on the second trimester forum that alot of us females were having cramps and sharp pains and the midwifes were saying that it was ligaments growing. Well last thursday i was out doing some xmas shopping when i got horrible pains to the point that i was in tears and could barely move the lady in the store was looking at me oddly and my mother was freaking out....i had to sit down in themiddle of the store for a good 10 mins before i could regain my composure. Well i asked my doctor about this monday at my appointment and he told me mine were not ligaments of any sort growing that i was having contractions and that if i was to ever get like this again to callhim asap no matter what time of day ornight it was because i can not have my baby 12 wks early. he then proceeded to ask what i did that day and i told him i worked then wentshopping and he said i am to refrain from doing anything after work because i am a waitress i dont need to be on my feet anymore after work and to stay away from strenous activities. he said theres plenty of time to shop after babies here lol so im glad i asked him because i was beginning to think they was just ligaments growing or the baby expanding inside me. hope everyones well god bless