I'm on the combined pill again but we only waited one week rather than two to rely on it.
Now i have thrush (which i got when i was pg with eva - it was my first symptom), heartburn, nausea, headaches, smells seem to be stronger and i feel full and bloated all the time.
I'm wondering if it is possible i could be pg again it could just be me adjusting to the pill again though. That's what i'm hoping. I enjoyed being pregnant but i didnt want a baby this soon. Obviously i will be happy if i am but pretty scared at the same time.
My last pill is thurs so i should get my period on friday! Watch this space i guess
I'm on the combined pill again but we only waited one week rather than two to rely on it.
Now i have thrush (which i got when i was pg with eva - it was my first symptom), heartburn, nausea, headaches, smells seem to be stronger and i feel full and bloated all the time.
I'm wondering if it is possible i could be pg again it could just be me adjusting to the pill again though. That's what i'm hoping. I enjoyed being pregnant but i didnt want a baby this soon. Obviously i will be happy if i am but pretty scared at the same time.
My last pill is thurs so i should get my period on friday! Watch this space i guess