I'm TTC baby number 5.
Last period was 4th April, and due on 5th May.
This month we didn't really "go for it" as I had my smear test around ovulation time. But we did the deed 4-5 days before ovulation and just after ovulation (was using ovulation tests)
Anyway I'm due on in 5 days, and since 2 days ago, I've had the usual PMS symptoms, but more-
Very painful breasts, "shiny" nipples with extra bumps
Very tired
Peeing all the time
Keep feeling nauseaous
Appetite has gone (usually can't stop eating during PMS!)
Serious stomach issues (wind!)
Constant indigestion feeling
And woke up this morning with metallic taste in my mouth that won't go away!
Also very emotional
As I said could all just be PMS, as I used a first response test as I figured that all these symptoms must show something.. But it was negative.
What do you ladies think? Still a chance?
You'd think I'd know after 5 pregnancies!
But my last was a long 4 years ago.
I'm so impatient 😬
I'm TTC baby number 5.
Last period was 4th April, and due on 5th May.
This month we didn't really "go for it" as I had my smear test around ovulation time. But we did the deed 4-5 days before ovulation and just after ovulation (was using ovulation tests)
Anyway I'm due on in 5 days, and since 2 days ago, I've had the usual PMS symptoms, but more-
Very painful breasts, "shiny" nipples with extra bumps
Very tired
Peeing all the time
Keep feeling nauseaous
Appetite has gone (usually can't stop eating during PMS!)
Serious stomach issues (wind!)
Constant indigestion feeling
And woke up this morning with metallic taste in my mouth that won't go away!
Also very emotional
As I said could all just be PMS, as I used a first response test as I figured that all these symptoms must show something.. But it was negative.
What do you ladies think? Still a chance?
You'd think I'd know after 5 pregnancies!
But my last was a long 4 years ago.
I'm so impatient 😬