Could I be pregnant or is it just wishful thinking?


Mar 14, 2012
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Hi all

Me and my husband are TTC our second child (we have a 17 month old son). The last day of my period was 22nd Feb and we had sex on 4th March. Last week has been a bit of a waste due to illnesses galore so our sex drive hasn't exactly been the best!! :roll: My fertile window, so it says, was from 3rd March - 9th March. My husband doesn't think I am but given that we had sex in that time could I be pregnant just from that once?? :)
OOo you had sex on my birthday hahah! totally possible you could be hun! give it a week and :test:
Sorry - not a nice thought I know!!! Haha. Thank you. Knowing my luck I'm probably not but you never know... x
We only managed once as we both had dodgy tummy bugs (sorry tmi) and we got knocked up so very possible :) Fx hun xx
Fx you caught your little egg. I'll be looking out for you BFP
You can BD every other day for a whole month and not catch. Or you can BD only once and you'll catch. You never know until your late and the test says yay :)
Yes one day is all it can take! good luck to you <3
Thanks for all of your comments! I have a cold at the mo so it's hard to distinguish what's related to that and/or pregnancy :( Haven't had any implantation bleeding yet either. Is this a must? I can't remember the symptoms I had with my son. I'm due on next Wednesday but have had period like pains today...pre-period pains or pregnancy?? Argghh!! Hurry up next Weds!!!! x
implantation bleeding doesnt always happen. I remember a week before AF was due i had what can only be described as a spot - literally, i remember being very peed off as i thought i was being visited a week early ( my periods had been very irregular making charting damn near impossible) but that was all i had. Ive had plenty of implantation cramping- so bad ive gone to the loo fully expecting it, but no bleeding, so i wouldnt stress too much over not having every sign or symptom- every woman is different xx

edited- should have said it doesnt always happen oops !!
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I've had egg white like discharge...and period like cramps.I keep getting up in the night to pee too whic I don't really do. Hmm...personally I don't think I am but that's me! :) x
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i remember having just a spot a week or so ago it was just a tinny spot on my toilet paper and that was it. Now i have just gone to the toilet like 5 times today and my boobs are killing me! im not testing till sunday if af hasn't got me by then
Really hoping you get your positive!!! :) I don't know about you but I HATE this TTW!! x
thank you, you too and yes don't we all hate this tww lol

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