Could anyone shed some light?


Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2016
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So I usally have a 10 day LP. Today is 11dpo according to FF but my temps have been a bit whacky this month so I'm not entirely sure iv I've ovulated at all really. Could anyone shed some light?

Would appriciate it very much!

Update: so tofay is 13dpo,wasn't able to take temp this morning as I was away last night. Taken a htp this afternoon and I think I see a squinted again! 🙈. Haven't had any pre-AF cramping for a few days, or spotting. Quite confused atm.

I'll upload a pic of the squinter


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Hi lovely,

Your post O temps aren't higher than your pre O temps and the line on FF is dotted which means they're unsure of O due to other factors not matching up... BUT just to be sure:

1. Do you temp the exact same time every morning before moving or getting out of bed or even talking?
2. Do you take temps orally or vaginally? (Vaginally tends to be much more accurate)
3. Do you wake up a lot in the night as you need at least 3 hours of solid sleep for it to be accurate.
4. Other things like drinking alcohol the night before can affect temps and so can stress 9FYI)

Thank you, yeah I take my temp orally every morning at 7 am. But I have been stressed the past two weeks, and I feel like I haven't gotten enough good quality sleep lol. Also I never get a postive opk so I'm not concerned about that, Uhm last month I ovulated on CD 23 and the month before it was CD 18. My cycles usually 28-32 days so i thought id be ovulating regularly, but now I'm not sure. Haha thanks for the info!

I've taken a few htps and I keep getting what looks like indents or evap aswel which is annoying! Don't want to water an expensive one when I'm not even sure if o ovulated though! Lol x
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Thank you, yeah I take my temp orally every morning at 7 am. But I have been stressed the past two weeks, and I feel like I haven't gotten enough good quality sleep lol. Also I never get a postive opk so I'm not concerned about that, Uhm last month I ovulated on CD 23 and the month before it was CD 18. My cycles usually 28-32 days so i thought id be ovulating regularly, but now I'm not sure. Haha thanks for the info!

I've taken a few htps and I keep getting what looks like indents or evap aswel which is annoying! Don't want to water an expensive one when I'm not even sure if o ovulated though! Lol x

Do you have pics of the recent hpt you can upload?

I'm like that, I came off the pill in Jan and my cycles have been all over the place, ovulated CD25 for the past two cycles - nightmare. How long have you been trying if you don't mind me asking?

Thank you, yeah I take my temp orally every morning at 7 am. But I have been stressed the past two weeks, and I feel like I haven't gotten enough good quality sleep lol. Also I never get a postive opk so I'm not concerned about that, Uhm last month I ovulated on CD 23 and the month before it was CD 18. My cycles usually 28-32 days so i thought id be ovulating regularly, but now I'm not sure. Haha thanks for the info!

I've taken a few htps and I keep getting what looks like indents or evap aswel which is annoying! Don't want to water an expensive one when I'm not even sure if o ovulated though! Lol x

Do you have pics of the recent hpt you can upload?

I'm like that, I came off the pill in Jan and my cycles have been all over the place, ovulated CD25 for the past two cycles - nightmare. How long have you been trying if you don't mind me asking?


Hello yes I'll upload them now. Well I've ben off the pill for nearly four years and we were just seeing what happens, but we've been actively trying for a year, but haven't really thought much about it this month because we've had things going on, I know I have a short LP though and it's alway 9 or 10 days but today is 11dpo (possibly) I couldn't really get a good picture, couldn't get my camera to focus haha! X


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I think i can see a faint line in the second pic! Xx

Yeah? I couldn't get it to photograph right my dam phone wouldn't focus. I've been having what I thought was indent or evap lines for the past 3 to 4 days in the morning with fmu, but they look like indents or evap or something. I've got a frer and cb digi in the bathroom but don't want to water them haha. I've wasted so many the past few months I'm refusing to take an expensive one haha x
No idea what's going on now. Still haven't gotten a clear line, no sign of af and my temp was really way down this morning. So confused.


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So I have an update here, still no bfp or af so assuming I didn't ovulate on the 16th. Does anyone think I could have in the 3rd instead? So confused this month?


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