Coughing at night


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2011
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My nearly 8 month old is normally a very good sleeper but the past 4 nights she goes to bed as normal but then starts coughing around now. She ends up coughing so much she wakes herself up and then starts crying.

OH is on earlies all this week so I've ended up bringing her into our lounge and sleeping with her here otherwise he would get no sleep.

The strange thing is she isn't coughing in the day. I've tried offering water but she doesn't seem interested.

She has started rolling properly this week and I often find her on her front in the cot now. But I can't stop her rolling around.

Would her sleeping on her front suddenly make her cough?

Any ideas ladies?
My little has had a bit if a cough and did have a bit of a runny nose but this has got better (just a slight cough now) I'm wondering if its hay fever? It's also really only at night x
Jacks got a bunny for night time and he chews on it which I think causes his cough in the night. Or maybe an allergy to the bedding now that she can get her face closer to it?
My lo had this and i took her to the doctors as it had been going on for a few weeks. She gave us an inhaler as she said it sounded like asthma. She also gave us piriton as lo sneezes a lot with runny eyes/nose so also could be down to hayfever. I think its hard to know when they are little.

Maybe worth a trip to docs if no improvement. My lo is also 8 months x
Thanks ladies. The weird thing is once I've resettled her in the lounge she stops coughing and sleeps normally.

So I'm now thinking Kittyrooroo, maybe it is something to do with the bedding. I changed her sheets yesterday and I use the normal washing liquid we use on all our clothes.

What sort of bedding do other people use? I've got a waterproof sheet and another sheet on top.
I've got no idea really, could it be the heat making her cough?

Ethan has his mattress with a waterproof cover on it with a fitted sheet xx
If it's an allergy/asthma causing the cough at night, one of the most common causes is dust mites. I know it sounds disgusting and I'm not saying your house is dirty by any means. Everyone's home has them. If she has a pillow change that and give her mattress a good hoover. It could also be something like damp in the room or if it is colder than other rooms in the house.
If it's an allergy/asthma causing the cough at night, one of the most common causes is dust mites. I know it sounds disgusting and I'm not saying your house is dirty by any means. Everyone's home has them. If she has a pillow change that and give her mattress a good hoover. It could also be something like damp in the room or if it is colder than other rooms in the house.

I'll see how she is tonight and then hoover her mattress tomorrow when I get home from work.

I used to hoover my own mattress, but haven't done it for ages, so it makes sense to hoover hers as well.

Thanks xx

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