Coping with morning sickness


Active Member
Dec 14, 2015
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Just wondering how you're all coping with morning sickness especially with regards to work. I'm finding it very difficult as I've a definite fear of vomiting.
I am in the same situation at the moment so I'm following..
My sister used to swear by Lucozade or a fizzy sugary drink. I didn't suffer too much but found taking the vitamins in the morning made me feel worse.

The sea bands are good aswell, they are based on pressure points on your wrist.

...and ginger biscuits! Xx
With my son I wore the sea bands constantly.
Took a pack of plain crackers to work or occasionally mini chedders and would graze on them throughout the day. Flat coke did help and white toast as well.
I also had ginger biscuits and drank a lot of ginger tea.

Eating something little like every 15 minutes or so really helped my mum told me that even if you feel too sick to eat you need to otherwise you will feel worse!

Fizzy lucozade helped me. Snacking little and often (whether I feel like I can stomach it or not!)

I have avomine tablets but they were making me feel worse :(
Trouble is I work at a supermarket on the tills so I can't take good with me and can and up going 2/3 hours before I can eat. The only things I've got are mints and a bottle of water.
You can get ginger sweets Hun can you take those on the shop floor with you?
Flat lemonade, sickness bands, crackers or ginger biscuits and sipping through a straw. Hope it passes for you soon x
Ginger biscuits & ginger tea (caffeine free) ginger is really suppose to helping it's typical morning sickness.
I developed hypermesis with last pregnancy and was sick until 30 weeks. so praying that won't happen with this one. Hope you fell better soon x
I'm not coping with it at all, 13w+1 today and had MS since about 6 weeks. I'm retching when I wake up, being sick in the car on the way to work and usually sick at work. I cant stomach anything in a morning as it sets me off, I can just about manage water :( xx
Ginger supplements sorted me out, I got mine from Boots x
I know how you feel, I work in an office and today I am covering reception, finding it really difficult. I am sat here with peppermint tea and ginger biscuits, but struggling with hot and cold flushes. I have felt sick all day, hoping this will wear off soon x
I had morning sickness for hours on end. If was so bad that i once had to park my car on a side road on the way to work as i couldnt carry on driving. My gp signed me off work for 3 weeks and prescribed be medication which i didnt take as i am too scared of the side effects. I ate small meals often and tried not to get hungry otherwise it gets worse. I am 13 weeks 4 days now and i feel so much better. I feel nausea sometimes but not strong at all. Things will get better as the weeks go by :)

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