cooled boiled water


Well-Known Member
Oct 20, 2010
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Right girls.. this is annoying me!!

My MW and HV both advised to give Noah cool boiled water inbetween feeds. To keep him hydrated and could help with bringing up wind. My mum also said she did it with all of us as babies.
So i have, only the odd ounce a once or twice a day.

Anyway, yesterday i was out with my friend who has a baby 2 weeks younger than Noah. Noah started playing up in the back of the car so i gave him a lil bit of water which calmed him down and he went off to sleep.
Her face was a picture when she realised i gave Noah water and not milk..?!?!?! (he had 3oz milk only half hour before)

She said her HV said NO to water until her baby is 6months old!!??? wtf!?? is this right!!????
I looked online and the only info ive seen is all in the US about no to water, but highly recommended in the UK.. So god nos why her HV said it!????

Does anyone else give their newborns water!?? xx
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We're 70% water, it's hardly gonna hurt :/

The problem with giving a teeny one water, is that they can fill up on that and then not take their milk.
A little water throughout the day is really not going to cause an issue.

If it works for you, do it. (Mine hates water, lol) xx
I've been giving O cool boiled water since he was a newborn hun. Its like everything to do with raising a child - the "experts" can never agree! Keep doing what you're doing. :) It really helped with O's wind & bowel movements in the early days. x
thats what i thought lol! and im surprised how much he likes it aswell lol.
I only give him some and hes such a greedy boy hes never turned away him milk! So no problem there :)

thanks for replying girlys xx
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I never gave water till 6 months old and it never did him any harm, guzzles it down now though!
I was advised by HV not to give it as he was on formula and that is made with water so they shouldn't need any more.

I think there are so many different HV opinions out there that you have to do what's best for your baby, only a mum knows their child! I think I'd have asked first though about giving her baby water, everybody does it differently so you don't know what parent is doing what unless you ask if you know what I mean?

Is your friend BF'ing?

BF babies don't need water.

Is your friend BF'ing?

BF babies don't need water.


I was told the opposite!! Oh my god no wonder mums are stressed out when all the advice contradicts itself!!

Have I read right that you gave your friends baby water?

Sorry hun, I'd have been fuming - whether you'd given baby water / milk whatever.... Especially so young :shock: No-one fed James when he was a newborn. Not even OH (I was expressing)

Official advice differs so much I think you always have to ask the Mum what she wants to do...

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Is your friend BF'ing?

BF babies don't need water.


No shes on formula aswell.. She acted like i was giving him bloody acid or something!!
Its not like i give him a whole bottles worth he literally had half an oz and she nearly bit my head off and shouted lol.

I guess some HVs advise differently! Not sure why tho!

Ill just keep at it, its not hurting him. And with the hot humid weather we are having it has to help a little surely! xxx
I'm confused now. I read that Dani gave Noah some water?
Have I read right that you gave your friends baby water?

Sorry hun, I'd have been fuming - whether you'd given baby water / milk whatever.... Especially so young :shock: No-one fed James when he was a newborn. Not even OH (I was expressing)

Official advice differs so much I think you always have to ask the Mum what she wants to do...


NOOOO!!! I gave Noah water lol!

I wouldnt so that so someones baby!! unless they asked me to feed them and gave me the bottle lol! sorry im typing with Noah on my shoulder sleeping here one handed, i may of made spelling mistakes lol or not made sense xx
Phew.... :lol:

Yep your friend totally overreacted!!

I initially thought you meant you gave Noah some water, then I read Emma's reply and I think she thought you'd given the friends baby some water so I wasn't sure lol..

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Phew.... :lol:

Yep your friend totally overreacted!!

I initially thought you meant you gave Noah some water, then I re-read and wondered if you'd given your friends baby water.


haha! oopsy :p

another questions ladies!

Noah has 4oz of formula atm... he will not finish 5oz!
But he seems to want a bottle every 2hrs in the day.. sometimes not even getting to 2 hrs!
Ill change him bum, wind him, try a bit of water, talk and sing to him.. but the only thing he wants is more blinking milk lol!

I guess i continue to feed him every 2hrs or so in the day?? He will go 3-4hrs in the night sometimes longer.
I just dno how i can get him to have 5oz and go longer in the day without needing it so soon??xx
Haha I'm sorry!!
I need to read properly!!
What you do with your own baby is totally your own business, she definetly over reacted!

JJ was having 4 - 5oz of water during the really hot spell! Spread out across the day of course.

Now it's cooler, he has between 2 - 3oz per day - luckily he loves it and also never turns away from his milk either xx
O is the same Chezza. On a hot day he'll have 5oz of water & still drink his usual amount of milk. On a cooler day he'll have 2oz+
Im glad Noah likes water cos i BLOODY HATE IT!! lolol xx
Phew.... :lol:

Yep your friend totally overreacted!!

I initially thought you meant you gave Noah some water, then I re-read and wondered if you'd given your friends baby water.


haha! oopsy :p

another questions ladies!

Noah has 4oz of formula atm... he will not finish 5oz!
But he seems to want a bottle every 2hrs in the day.. sometimes not even getting to 2 hrs!
Ill change him bum, wind him, try a bit of water, talk and sing to him.. but the only thing he wants is more blinking milk lol!

I guess i continue to feed him every 2hrs or so in the day?? He will go 3-4hrs in the night sometimes longer.
I just dno how i can get him to have 5oz and go longer in the day without needing it so soon??xx

Is Noah falling asleep on the bottle or just nudging the bottle away?? xx
I read it as you gave your friends baby water too! Haha, I was thinking oh dear, that's not good!

But I don't see any problem with you giving it to Noah, what's it to her anyway!

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Phew.... :lol:

Yep your friend totally overreacted!!

I initially thought you meant you gave Noah some water, then I re-read and wondered if you'd given your friends baby water.


haha! oopsy :p

another questions ladies!

Noah has 4oz of formula atm... he will not finish 5oz!
But he seems to want a bottle every 2hrs in the day.. sometimes not even getting to 2 hrs!
Ill change him bum, wind him, try a bit of water, talk and sing to him.. but the only thing he wants is more blinking milk lol!

I guess i continue to feed him every 2hrs or so in the day?? He will go 3-4hrs in the night sometimes longer.
I just dno how i can get him to have 5oz and go longer in the day without needing it so soon??xx

Is Noah falling asleep on the bottle or just nudging the bottle away?? xx

Just pushes his head away like hes had enough..

These are his feeds yest and today:

5th Aug:
1.30am - 3oz
4.30am - 4oz
6am - 2oz
8am - 4oz
9.50am - 3oz
11.30am - 2oz
12.30am- 2oz
2.30pm 3oz
5.30pm - 5oz (1st time ever)
7.30pm 3oz
9pm 2oz ... that seems like alot for 24hrs!

Then slept till 1am 6th Aug..

1am - 4oz
3am - 2oz
5.30am - 4oz
8am - 2oz
11am - 3oz
1.30pm - 4oz
3pm - 2 1/2oz (did a 4oz bottle but hes fallen asleep on me again lol) xx

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