controlled crying


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2006
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what age is ok to do this and how do u cope?

my boyf has always been all for it really, and my HV has suggested implementing it now because millie is waking up LOTS crying just for attention.

but i find it SO HARD! :( i sit on the edge of my seat crying myself and pulling my hair- i just hate letting her cry! its like a primal instinct or something its like i am programmed to react to my own babys cry immediately it feels so wrong not to, although i kno it might be for the best :(

will it help do u think? and how do u do it?

sorry to be a post ho btw
I've done it .... yes it was VERY hard at first... but now i put her in the cot and she's asleep within minutes.
The first few nights wil be the hardest but if she's fed and clean and you know she's not ill.. then let her cry keep going in every 5mins to reasure her then start to leave it for 10 mins and longer and longer.

It does work Keeley has been controlled cried since she was 7months old

I did it wath Aimee and found it quite easy really and it worked after 1 night but Aimee was almost 1 when I did it. I just left her a couple of minutes longer each time I went in till we were up to about 20 minutes. We didn't get any sleep that night cos we had to do it about 4 times though out the night but the next night she only woke once. :D
i did it with millie and yes, for the first few times it is so hard, i had to let my hubby do it while i kept myself busy or even went out for a walk so i couldnt hear her, but within a few weeks she used to go straight to bed without a fuss. and even now shes brilliant at bed time. I am so glad we did it and will do it again with ryan when the time comes
We done controlled crying when Reece was 6 months, I cant recommend it enough.
The first 3 nights were awful, me and DH sat at the top of the stairs looking like we were going to cry too! We just kept going in and checking he was ok. After a few nights he got the point and has slept perfectly ever since, everyone comments on what a good sleeper he is! We just put him in bed and dont hear a peep til morning time!
It will be horrible but will do wonders for you when you can put her in bed and thats her til the morning!
I think there are other solutions as well other than letting them cry - if you don't fancy listening to her cry then there is the No Cry Sleep Solution (Amazon sell it), it's been recommended to me but I haven't tried it I've just let DS do his thing :lol:
This is a breakthrough approach for a good night's sleep - with no tears. There are two schools of thought for encouraging babies to sleep through the night: the hotly debated Ferber technique of letting the baby "cry it out," or the grin-and-bear-it solution of getting up from dusk to dawn as often as necessary. If you don't believe in letting your baby cry it out, but desperately want to sleep, there is now a third option, presented in Elizabeth Pantley's sanity-saving book "The No-Cry Sleep Solution". Pantley's successful solution has been tested and proven effective by scores of mothers and their babies from across the United States, Canada, and Europe. Based on her research, Pantley's guide provides you with effective strategies to overcoming naptime and nighttime problems. "The No-Cry Sleep Solution" offers clearly explained, step-by-step ideas that steer your little ones toward a good night's sleep - all with no crying. Tips from "The No-Cry Sleep Solution" include: uncover the stumbling blocks that prevent baby from sleeping through the night; determine - and work with - baby's biological sleep rhythms; create a customized, step-by-step plan to get baby to sleep through the night; and use the Persistent Gentle Removal System to teach baby to fall asleep without breast-feeding, bottlefeeding, or using a pacifier.

DS also used to wake a lot as he is an unsettled sleeper. The past few days he's seemed to click though and will go from 7pm, wake up once for a dummy and then go back down til 6/7am.
All I can say hun is do it sooner rather than later. Eefie is 9 months and WILL NOT sleep on his own. After about an hours battle of getting him in his cot (10pm earliest!) and him having the place up he constantly wakes and by 3am I cant take it anymore and he comes into bed with me.

And be consistent when you do it as I'm trying the controlled crying but OH comes in and takes him :?

Do it before the clingy stage kicks in!
All i can say is trixie im so sorry you find it hard, we all do - it hurts like hell ewhen they cry and worse for bf because of the emtional and physical bond you share.

Yes its hard, but millie at her age shouldnt really be crying for attention like that unless shes hungary or wants a nappy change.

Is this happening at night?

We had to do controlled crying for a week or so as imogen was so demanding and she really screamed and let everyone know hat she thought of going to bed!

It was hard and I waned to go in so many tims and oick her up and soothe her but my oh said no.

We would go in every 10 mins and giver her s dummy,tuck her in and put her nightsounds on and lightshow.

Shes wonderfull now and goes to bed no tears, albeit sometimes she does but ndrops off quick. And shes happy when she gets up in the morning.

Good luck, i do recommend it, its not easy though - but she needs to learn that you cant keep running to her everyttime, it will make her more patiant.

Plus your nack to work soon areant you? so you need this sorted before she comes to spoiled on mummy waiting on her 24/7!
We did it hun, I think oran was about 4 1/2 to 5 months. We did it because he had to be rocked to sleep, even when he woke in the night and he was waking alot in the night and was unaable to get himself to sleep. I tell you it was THE BEST thing we have ever done!!

We have always checked every 5 minutes never left it longer and that worked for us. 1st night he cried for an hour, 2nd night 45 minutes, 3rd night 20 mins, 4th night 4 mins and 5 night 2 mins then it stopped!! Now he sometime windges for 30 seconds or a minute then goes to sleep but most of the time he just either chats for a min and goes to sleep or just goes straight off! and the best thing is he sleeps through the night as well now so we do to!! I do hear him wake sometimes in the night but now he just gets himself back off to sleep! So I cant reccommend it enough!

Its hard hun, but its for the best for both of you, oran is much happier after having proper nights sleep, and not so tired throughout the day, and it makes for a happier mummy & daddy as well!
good luck!
i really need to dob this as well... but i get horribly ipset. Hannah last week cried solidly for 2.5 hours i kept going up to check on her and then as i was she vomited all over herself (absolutly loads) cos she had wound herself up so much. (so in the end i had to pick her up.change her etc.. she wasthen dead happy, so i know nothing was wrong.
she still wakes about 6 times a night for no reason and is a nightmare to put to bed.

tbh im at the end of my tether and just cant cope. :(

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