Contractions or baby movements


Well-Known Member
Dec 10, 2014
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So last night i started with what I felt were slight tightenings of my bump but every time something started one of the twins would push right into the bump making a little bum mound, I am having trouble deciphering if there is a regularity to this but babies are moving a lot in between what I think are tightenings......any ideas??

I am 35+5 today xxxxz
I was wondering about you yesterday as you hadn't posted in a while... was half expecting your next post to be a birth announcement lol.

I think it sounds like braxton hicks. Apparently if your bump goes hard and you get tightenings that aren't painful it's braxton hicks.

On Sunday night I woke up around 11.30pm with tightenings that were painful (like contractions) but they died off after an hour. I think I had 'practice contractions' you get when the cervix is softening and getting ready etc. Also my pelvis went all 'loose' and clicky when I was turning over or moving.

Anyway, it sounds normal to me, my friend had contractions on and off for days with her last two before she went into labour lol.

Well done getting twins to 36 weeks though! Not long now :)

I've still no baby and I'm coming to grips with the reality I'll most likely still be pregnant in a week or two lol.
I'm actually happy about it though, I'm a bit funny (fussy) over birth dates and either want(ed) the baby to be born before the 24th June or on/after the 1st July. Don't think this baby is coming any time soon but now I'm happy they are going to have a July birth date lol.
When I was pregnant with DS his wiggling would actually set off BH contractions. Sometimes its hard to tell if a lump is their bum sticking out or the contraction making your tummy hard. I had a lot of BH every day at about your stage and they would start getting frequent if I overdid it a bit, especially by the evening. They were quite strong and sometimes slightly painful. If I lay down they always went away after a bit. About 12 hrs before going into labour I started having mild BH type contractions. They were mild enough that I didnt really notice them unless I was paying attention but they were regular, about every 7 mins, and didnt go away when I rested.
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Oh this sounds rather exciting Mrs roger :) you nearly have your babies here :) x
I get this every time baby pushes there bottom up and out I get so tight when we were being monitored the monitor was saying 99% and it was regular but the doc decided it is the movements causing the tightenings.
Still no sign on twins!! Feeling ever so slightly...... Majorly fed up!!!

I can hardly walk!! I stand up for two secs and my feet and legs balloon up!! I cant get comfy enough to sleep and the babies movements are soooo big i literally have to hold onto something and breathe through it......Obstetrician says.....oh that's totally normal!!!!
Oh my MrsRoger!! You must be getting so close now though to actually having them - are they letting you go naturally??? Hopefully they will make an appearance quite soon, I know twins have a tendency to come early! xx
Oh poor you. My feet are ever so swollen so god knows how you must be feeling carrying twins.

How many weeks are you now? Hopefully not much longer xx
Still no sign on twins!! Feeling ever so slightly...... Majorly fed up!!!

I can hardly walk!! I stand up for two secs and my feet and legs balloon up!! I cant get comfy enough to sleep and the babies movements are soooo big i literally have to hold onto something and breathe through it......Obstetrician says.....oh that's totally normal!!!!

How many weeks are you now? X
Uuurrggghhh Ladies!!!

Still no babies and I am 36+5....sooooo fed up, been given my induction for the 8th of July which feels like ages away!!

Had no more tightenings or anything that feels like the start of something :-(
Oh no, will that make you 38 weeks?
How have their positions been?
My twin 1 was bottom down at my 28 week scan, getting slightly worried lol x
Oh no, will that make you 38 weeks?
How have their positions been?
My twin 1 was bottom down at my 28 week scan, getting slightly worried lol x

Hello Mrs B,

Twin 2 was breech for ages and still breech at my 31+4 weeks scan, I decided to go swimming about 33 weeks and then at my 35+3 weeks scan twin 2 had flipped so they are now both head down!!

Oh fab :) fingers crossed they stay that way and that leaves me a little hope :) I'm very excited for you as you are almost there x
Aww MrsRoger I bet you are mega fed up now! I hope that they come soon and then you won't have to be induced!!! xx
Wow mrsroger you're doing so well! My baby hurts when he punches/kicks so I can't imagine two! Hopefully they make their move soon xxx
In a bit of a hmmm situation, not sure if I have pee'd myself or if waters have possibly broken.

Got up to go pee and had a substantial amount of leakage, but still managed a good pee, leakage is clear and does not have a urine like odour.....think I am going to have to phone Triage as also feeling a bit nauseous too.

Wish me luck it is the start of something!! xxxxxx
Oooh sounds promising! Will be stalking for updates!
Really hope your twins are in the way!
Best of luck xx

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