

Well-Known Member
May 2, 2005
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I have my 20 week scan on Thursday (cant wait) and then i have to go and see my consultant after, i had a bad time having Amy cos her shoulders got stuck as my pelvis wasn't big enough and then i bled after and needed 4 pints of blood bcause my placenta wouldn't seperate from the wall properly

I am just a little worried that he will make a decision on Thursday as to what he is going to do, i don't want a cesearean if i can help it cos i also have Amy to take care of when i get home even though i have alot of family support its not the same as being looked after by your mummy!!! :D

Does anyone know what happens has anyone ever gone through it?
Or anyone with any points to put across?
Hi, im not sure on this coz i have never had it done, but

im sure i heard that you can do some excersies to open up your pelvis more, i have heard about alot of woman that had probs with there first birth, ended up having a c section but gave birth fine on there 2nd and 3rd etc.

Sounds like you had a terrible time with Amy's birth, fingers crossed it will go smoothly and you will get the birth you want this time.

Ask your condultant about these excersices, im sure it involes a birthing ball

Hi Layla,

Its becasue i have SPD that i have a problem with my pelvis, i am uncer the physio for it, i had it with Amy but it is worse this time round so i am hoping that it wont make things worse!!

I'll have to wait and see what he says, its only 2 days now so i wont have to wait long

I'll let you know what he says

:D :D :D :D
Hi Amy's mum,
Was amy a large baby? cause they may just do growth scans on your baby towards the end, just to check that she isn't to big for you. Normally with SPD they want you to aviod opening your legs to much dirring labour, so its recomended that yu give birth in an all fours position. As long as your doctors/midewives are aware of your SPD its not normally a problem, they just make sure your hips and legs are supported properly during the labour. With regards to your placenta problem before, it may just be that thiss time they will recommend an injection of oxytocin as this helps the placenta to come away easier and also helps prevent post-partum haemorrhage. As for exercises to help your pelvis open up more, Im doing this at the moment, I just spend about 1/2-1 hour a day rocking gently from sid eto side on a birth ball, I would suggest if you have SPD that you consult your midwife first before trying this.
Try not to worry hun and let us know how your docs appointments goes!

Amy was only 7lb 11oz born and was her 10 days over, so hopefully this baby wont be on the large side, i had the injection after the birth to help the placenta but my midwife said that it could have been because my labour was 29 hours that it could have affected it.

My Midwife is aware of all these problems as she delivered Amy as well so i am lucky to have the same one
I tried to give birth on all fours but i didn't get the same pushing ability so they recommended i went on my back

I'll have to wait and see

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