

Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2008
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Please can someone give me some advice?
Just had baby girl on Sunday weighing 6lb 8, we are bottle feeding her but whilst in hospital midwife said that she should be taking around 30mls on each feed. Today we had a house visit from community midwife and she said she should be taking 90mls per feed :?
Could someone tell me approx. what their baby was taking as there's a big difference between the two estimations, at present she's taking on average 40mls per feed.

Thank You.
In my opinion i dont think people can say that any one baby SHOULD be taking a certain ammount. Every baby is different my 11 week old is only taking 6 oz (when i give her a bottle......usually breastfeed) and she is quite a big baby (13 lbs 6oz) at the end of the day the baby will take what she needs and wants :D :D :D
Sorry hun I cant say how much your baby should be having as I haven't bottle fed but just for information at birth a baby's stomach is the size of a marble, at 3 days old it its the size of a shooter marble (the bigger marbles) and at 10 days old it is the size of a ping pong ball. So whilst they are born with minute stomachs they do grow fairly quickly, but also at a young age if they are overfed they will usually be sick to get rid of the excess rather than take in the extra and expand their stomach. Hope that helps in some way.

ETA: Forgot to add that if I was in your situation and you say she's taking 40mls then stick with that till she starts polishing off the full bottle then up it until she polishes that off then up it again and just keep going like that.
I would check her weight and look at the chart on the tin. If I had fed Jessica by her age rather than her weight I would have one cross bunny.

Would NHS 24 have a midwife or pediactrician you could ask?? Its quite a difference in what they have both said.

DD was exclusively bottle fed expressed milk. If I am right, week one she had 30-60ml per feed but I can't remember how many feeds she had a day. Week 2 it went up to 60-90ml per feed, weeks 3 about 90-120ml per feed and by the end of week 4 she was on 6 feeds of 150ml. I remember because I was worried about how big the increases were but it levelled off at 4 weeks and by 6 months had only crept up to 175ml, still in 6 feeds. She was 8lbs 4.5oz at birth.

90mls would make her one very very hungry baby at a few days old! Though there are babies who would drink that I'm sure, just as there are babies who would take 30ml. She will take what she wants and 40ml is right. Because the amount she will take will increase a lot over the next 4 weeks I would make up (assuming you are using formula) and extra 30ml every feed. That can be thrown away if she doesn't take it but means you will see when her appetite has increased. But don't worry about the amount she is taking, 40ml is normal :hug:
one thing i've learnt as a parent is never listen to the word "should" your baby it different to any other baby anywhere in the world.
If shes happy and healthy at 40ml then no probs. On the formula box it says 0-2months approx 90 mls (3oz) per feed. but what are we supposed to do force it down thier throats?
you will probably find as well that every MW and every HV has different advice. you very much have to go with what you feel is right. of cause ask away on here, theres always someone about who can help or just offer support xx Congratulations!!

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