my df had problems when he split from his ex they have a son together to his horror he found he has no legal rights over the little boy as it turns out he now hasnt had access to him for 2 yrs and the mother has changed his name which is obviously quite upsetting as the breakup was not nasty but has now turned that way i found a few little articles hope they help
Advice for Unmarried Father's
Few unmarried father's realise that when their new bundle of joy is born that they have no rights to stay in the life of that child. For example an unmarried father is not able to inspect medical records, or obtain details of school progress of their children. These rights completely depend on the goodwill of the mother. To obtain equal rights as mothers is a very simple procedure called a Parental Responsibility Agreement and usually involves a short visit to a local family court. Fathers are advised to do this soon after the child is born
Data Protection Act 1998
You are able to access all paper and computer records held on you under the data protection act. This applies to all court, CSA, and social service records about you. This information must also be accurate. Accessing information held under the Data Protection Act 1998 is called making a subject access request.
Father's guide to divorce and separation
Includes advice on separation, and on dealing with separation out of court. The section on divorce includes how to prepare before you go to court and what procedures are followed. A section is devoted to handling the divorce without using lawyers, and on the use of McKenzie friends (a friend in court) in court.
dunno if ne of that helps but there is alot of advice if u search google