Confused about opk result


Well-Known Member
Jan 29, 2011
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Confused by my opks. On 14th Jan I tested and got the top opk in the picture. BFNs on FRER and Asda today. Did another opk today and got the one on the bottom in the pic. Im confused as they both look positive.
I suffer from irregular cycles so cant tell when my period is due


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It might still be early for a HPT to detect, however I do believe there are people here that had an positive OPK detect pregnancy before a HPT.

Good Luck. I will be stalking :)
Thank you. I don't feel pregnant....I know each pregnancy is different but the twice I have been pregnant I had really sore boobs, tiredness etc which I don't have this time. I would have thought that if I ovulated in 14th Jan I would have had at least a hint of a line on a FRER :/
Up until I did the opk this morning I was fuly expecting my period to arrive at any point over the next few days. But the opk has thrown me. I know the answer is to BD just in case....just confused
Yeah definitely BD again to cover yourself. I know how you feel with long cycles, I have PCOS and trying to time everything is a nightmare.

Hope you get your BFP very soon :D
Thanks....I just went and bought some digital opks. It's saying no surge but there are two lines although one is slightly lighter than the other. I have ewcm, just noticed. So I am either gearing up to ov or have just past it. Will try to BD tonight and will test again tomorrow x
Some ladies will test positive from ov right up to AF. Also some ladies with pcos will also test positive at various times during their cycles as they can have raised levels of lh.

Another reason for this (which happens to me now and again) is that your body gears up to ovulate but doesn't actually release the egg. Your body will then try again a few days later (usually 10 days to two weeks for me) and you will get another positive reading.

A positive opk doesn't mean you ovulated, it just means that your LH level has risen and this usually indicates you are about to release the egg, but it doesn't guarantee it.

Finally as LittleDalla said some ladies will show positive on an opk when they are pregnant.

Hope that helps :)

Do you know the reason your cycles are irregular?
Have been using opks for over a year and have never had the lines that dark twice in one cycle.
Nothing physically wrong with me to have irregular cycles....have had all tests done, and I do ovulate.
Just thought it was a bit strange as its never happened before

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