complete newbie!


Well-Known Member
Oct 28, 2008
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Hello ladies :wave:

Ok, so I'm a total newbie when it comes to all this testing m'larky and quite frankly I've no clue as to what any of it means!

My last cycle lasted 32 days, although they're all over the place. I've bought myself 50 OV kits off ebay and was wondering when I should start testing? I'm on day 6 of my cycle and although i've been taking my BBT each day it's all over the place. I have ME so I find it really hard to control my body temperature cos my hypothalamus doesn't work properly and I don't know if that's what's making my chart look like McCain's opinion poll!! (I've charted it online if you'd care to take a look)

Last cycle I did the whole POAS thing and it was positive on days 16 & 17 according to the OV kit. Should I start from day 10 of my cycle as it suggests? It was only by utter chance I caught it last month.

Also, my periods are over in a matter of a few days. This month it only lasted 2 fairly heavy days with lots of pain, one med/light day and then it stopped bar a few spots. Is that ok? My periods used to last at least a week. Or is it because i'm getting older?! I'm 33 now.

All advice greatly received, thank you :D

Hannah xx

P.S...I've got an app with my GP on the 19th to talk to her about things as we've been trying (although rather sporadically) for about 1 1/2 years now.
Sorry I can't be too much help but good luck TTC.

Your period length sounds the same as mine. Don't know if that is normal? Mine used to be a lot longer and heavier, so much so that I went on the pill for that and not contraception (I used to get light headed and passed out once during AF and doing exercise). When I came off several years (maybe 8yrs) ago they weren't anywhere near as long or as heavy or painful.
Thanks for your support Nicky and good luck TTC too.

Sorry to sound really thick but what does AF stand for?!

I had the contraception implant for 3 years but that was taken out a year last February so it shouldn't still be affecting them.

As I have quite a few OV kits I think i'll just start on day 10. I did that last month but there was nothing so I stopped after a couple of days then just happened to start again after something i'd read about CM ( :puke: haha!) I just hate the fact it's all become so clinical and taken the fun out of it rather.
Auntie Flo I believe.

From what I have read from other people - the recommendation is to test twice a day, as you can miss the surge otherwise. I am just repeating what I have read as I am not using them.
Auntie Flow...of course!! :doh:

On my OV kit thingy it says to test around 2-2.30pm, which is good as i'm at home then! I do have plenty tho so I can do it twice a day.

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