Combination Feed From The Start


Well-Known Member
Jan 16, 2013
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Before I fell pregnant, I had already made the decision that I didn't want to breast feed but after falling pregnant I had changed my mind and wanted to a least try to give LO breast for a few weeks. The thing is, I want to also give him formula from the start too (I have my reasons). Has anyone managed to do this successfully and offer any advice? xx
I also combination feed, though mine is due to latch problems. My LO was in the incubator for the first 4 days so they had to top him up with formula as my supply was delayed. However I'm actually really happy with how combination feeding has turned out. I breastfeed him in the day and bottle feed him at night. We also bottle feed if we are out as because of his latch issues I am uncomfortable breastfeeding publicly. Sometimes this is formula and sometimes it is expressed breast milk. My LO has had no problems doing both. Is there anything in particular you need advice with? I would say that don't feel pressured into doing anything. I felt so pressured to exclusively breast feed and found my baby was getting so stressed at night time as he wouldn't latch on in night. Do what is best for you and your baby and find the times when he is 'best' at breastfeeding :) xx
Thanks for your reply! I've just read in various places & been told that it's not a good idea...not like people are trying to pressurise me or anything just that it's sort of a fact! I've not really spoken to anyone who's done it from the start so it's nice to hear it can be done. I've bought the closer to nature teats so hoping this will help.

I won't be pressurised into anything. I'm a strong minded person & if health professionals start telling me it's not good for the baby then I will give them a piece of my mind. They're there to provide me with advice so I can make the choice, not have their opinions shoved on me. I'm yet to see the bf support worker - it was supposed to be today but she's had to cancel & we've not rearranged yet.

Thanks again xx
Glad you're strong minded! I found there was no point in feeling guilty as my baby wasn't getting the best of me if I was miserable feeding him! It definitely can be done and as I said we are both very happy with how combi feeding has worked for us :) It also gives my OH the chance to be part of the feeding process! Good luck with it! xx
How you feed your baby is entirely your prerogative, and if you have read information on pros/cons of mixed feeding then you are making an informed decision to mix feed. It's entirely possible to mix feed from the start and at any point really. Many women do this and is actually quite common. Your breasts will adjust to the requirements of mixed feeding, I would suggest you speak to your midwife and she/he will give you the support you need I am sure. Good luck x
Precisely! I'm sick of hearing that midwives & health visitors have tried to push breast is best on people! People have reasons for solely bottle feeding be that personal or medical & I think once you told them your choice they ought to leave it.

Thanks ladies xx
Agree, I'm combi feeding by choice, more expressed and formula, as hes not good with latching on.

In ante natal class it was very pushed to do nothing but breast feed. But was one HV there that always said if its too stressful for you or baby then do what you feel is best - stress is not worth it during these younger stages
It upsets me that anyone feels they were pressurised to feed or do anything a certain way. A health professional's place is to offer the information on facts, research etc and support the women in the choices they - the women- make, end of.
It upsets me that anyone feels they were pressurised to feed or do anything a certain way. A health professional's place is to offer the information on facts, research etc and support the women in the choices they - the women- make, end of.

Agreed yet the majority of people I've spoken to have all said the MW & HVs tried to push it on them including when it's not been in the mother's best interests...they hadn't read her notes prior to home visit following birth & made her feel bad about it xx
Going to buck the trend here... my hv and mws have all been fab and non judgemental when I've told them about topping up.
Going to buck the trend here... my hv and mws have all been fab and non judgemental when I've told them about topping up.

The majority of my colleagues at work are very supportive of women's choice and I have never witnessed anyone being pushed or pressurised, quite the contrary :) x
id not recommend doing it if u dont have to as its more hassle than just bf but everyone should just do whatever suits them best
I have heard a mixture of reports, but I too would love to combi-feed. Formula, breast feed and expressing hopefully... but we'll see...

Thanks for sharing your experiences... xx
I really want to combi-feed but I haven't got any info - need to start researching. Kelly, is there anything you wish you had known before you started?
I really want to combi-feed but I haven't got any info - need to start researching. Kelly, is there anything you wish you had known before you started?

I am combi feeding and it's working really well - I didn't start the formula until 6 weeks though. From 2 weeks I was expressing so my husband could do a night feed and I could get some sleep and as my LO needed more and more milk we decided to give him some formula so I wasn't under pressure to express. That first time I felt really guilty but discovered that he slept much better afterwards so we increased it to 2 bottles a day. Now I love the freedom of being able to have a few drinks at the weekend, go out and leave my husband with LO etc. I still express to keep up my supply and he gets bottles of expressed milk when my MIL has him for a few hours. My husband and I alternate the night duty and when I'm on duty he is BF but gets formula when it's hubby's turn.

For us, combi feeding has made life much happier all round!!

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