Colour run!!!


Well-Known Member
Jun 29, 2006
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Help! What cleans up a colour run? I put my brand spanky new wraps in the wash and a sock was in there and they've gone grey and the plasticy bit on the inside is brown. Is there anything that will rescue that given its plastic and fabric? :wall:
There is a product you can use, but I can't remember the name of it. But it's with all the stain removal stuff in the supermarket aisle. I'm not sure about how it would work with plastic, but it should say in the instructions.

What colour are they? If they're supposed to be white, you might get away with a little light bleach, perhaps?
hope someone can remember the name of the stain removal thingy - i had some red underwear in with OH's white towel (it's his cos I got it handmade for him with his name and a motorbike picture on it) so now it's turned pink.. his skin is very sensitive though so I'm not planning on putting bleach in cos he'd be itching for days.
Maybe he'll like it pink... you never know :rotfl:
Urchin said:
Maybe he'll like it pink... you never know :rotfl:

I hid it in the towel cupboard with the others, cos hey, it's only me and him that's gonna see it so I thought well pink isn't sooo bad.. and I heard him take it out one morning and he was like "WTF babe why is my towel pink.." though he was laughing so he thought it was funny at least :)

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