
Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2010
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Hi Ladies,

Can I just ask with CM if it is clear then most likely to be ov if more creamy means that it is passed ov and unlikely to be preg?
If you imagine your CM effectively has to closely resemble semen to help the sperm get to their destination. As it gets more pasty it's harder for them to swim in and when it's like egg white's it helps them and is of the correct acidity/alkalinity :)
I believe the egg white sticky mucus is the "most fertile" mucus as that is just before ov to help the :sperm: on there way and then on day of ov and just after it turns creamy and then fades to almost nothing near af. From what i have read on a medical forum anyways. I dont check mine yet so not very aware of it all but hav read alot about it
I don't check mine normally it was just I followed my ticker to give me an idea of when ov and my af finished on 28feb so as of 1mar we have been at it almost every day but on sun I thought was THE day of ov so me and hubby :bd: and then mon there was cm very clear and yesterday it was there but not as clear so wasn't sure whether to take any notice and now cos I have water infection can't :bd: suppose its just a waiting game now til 21st! Thanks for your advice ladies x
Hi Kelly

EWCM is fertile and is present before ovulation. When ovulation has passed CM goes back to creamy.

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