We're in it together this month Corrinne!!
I'm not going to symptom spot and carry on as normal, having some wine with dinner tonight so until I get that positive test I'm going to continue as normal-ish!
Ewcm is so strange, mine was particularly watery this month which is unusual for me but I've just started taking Folic acid. The first week of taking it I felt so on edge and hormonal but that's settled down now. I'm also drinking raspberry leaf tea so that could have effected my cm, who knows!
Get plenty of bd-ing in and hopefully this will be it. I think I'm due around the 9th this cycle as I was late this cycle, I hate it when every aspect of ttc is so unpredictable! The one thing I keep thinking is that it only takes one sperm and one egg, when it's my time it will happen so I'm going to enjoy bd-ing in the meantime!
Good luck and I'm so pleased to have a 2ww buddy.