Cm before ovulation


Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2016
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Hi ladies, just a question about cm. So sorry if it's tmi. For the majority of the month I have white creamy cm, this is normal for the majority of the time for me, now that I'm actually (trying) to note changes I've noticed that my cm has changed to clear today. I'm cd 12 and my boobs have gone quiet tender so showing all the signs of leading up to ovulation. I'm probably way over thinking this but everything says that my cm should now be changing to the ewcm, now it has gone clear rather than the normal white creamy type but it's definitely not stretchy like an egg white and I never in my entire life recall seeing any cm that is that stretchy?? Just how stretchy and eggwhite like is your ewcm?
Hey, I never have EWCM I think I had it once about 6 months ago, but thats it Mine usually just got clear and watery, Ive read thats normal too! I think its different for everyone ?
I have clear (almost like water) cm from about CD8

Then on Sunday I got a huge blob of EWCM

Then more watery/slightly ew

Then lotiony after OV
When I had EWCM, it was really stretchy, like clear snot haha! I usually could see it easily for 4 to 5 days during my ovulation period after bm. Sorry if tmi, but we all have to go sometime!:lol:
My cm before/after ovulation is very stretcy sometimes it was clear others cloudy.
What day do you usually ovulate? I usually ovulate day 18 and get ewcm at cd 16/17 to cd 19. I get clear water like cm about a week before the ewcm comes.
There's lots of stuff you can take to help with cm if you have a google. Best thing you can do though is drink water lots of it especially around ovulation :) xx
Btw, after ovulation sore boobs at the side means you realised an egg and sore boobs at the front mean you didn't. Side boob soreness means progesterone is dominant, whereas front soreness means estrogen is dominant. Sore boobs all over means you probably realised an egg but unfortunately estrogen is still dominant. Hope this helps :) x
I never had EWCM before getting pregnant with my firstborn, but I do most months now. Not sure if that is good or not! I'm totally new to actually looking out for signs of ovulation. I don't think it matters if you don't have EWCM though. Everyone is different.
Joey is right but ewcm is the best environment sperm can live in. Watery fertile cm is ok but I think it makes its harder for the sperm. You can still get pregnant though so dw too much about it x
Watery cm is fertile as well, it's just the thick sticky stuff that isn't a good environment.

I used to get really jelly like ewcm around ov, but the month I got my BFP it was really scarce. I've been making a real effort with my diet and drinking water and I am having really egg white cm now so I would agree with PeanutButter on that.

I've read plenty of times that people get pregnant without seeing any ewcm. To me, it's more of an indicator that my body is gearing up for ov xxxx
I'm totally new to monitoring all these signs. We have been ntnp for 5/6 years now but never even so much as looked at a date or sign/symptom before but as I am now 37 we need To get a wriggle on so hoping that the last 5/6 years it's just been that we have totally missed key dates. We sometimes have only dtd once a month so very easy to miss ovulation. This is the first month I've noticed any symptoms. I'm cd12 today and my cm has changed from being creamy and thick to clear and watery, but not stretchy atall, I had a blob released today, I felt like I'd wet myself, again clear and watery but not stretchy. My boobs have become sore (at the front) aswell from yesterday. Hoping this is signs of ovulation. My cycle is anywhere from 28-31 days. Dtd every other day now from cd8 so hoping that covers us as tbh no idea when I will ovulate. X
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I've never paid attention tbh before ttc lol
But I have noticed a change tbh. However I did see egg white consistency a few days ago then after a day or so again it's coming quite alot more now and very stretchy and slippery LOL ���� but I guess you'll know when you see it

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