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cloth nappies! Where do I start?


Well-Known Member
Dec 6, 2009
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I want to switch to cloth nappies but havent a clue where to start! I am starting to be put off with so much choice!

Try a cloth nappy library if they have one in your area. Either that or you can search for nappy trial packs.

This is a good place to start:


http://www.thenappylady.co.uk/ - fill in a form about your needs and she will tell you what's the best nappy for you

I have some Bamboozle Stretch for Evan but haven't really started using them yet
Firstly, remember, it doesn't have to be all or nothing & you don't have to get lots of the same nappy. It's good to try a few different types & find out what you like.

You'll need about 20 nappies to do it permanently but you can build that up over time.

It's worth seeing whether your local council offer any incentive schemes & also if there are any nappy libraries near you. I don't use Facebook but I've seen people say that there is a good nappy library page that shows the location & contact details for lots of libraries around the country.

In terms of nappy types, we've used loads and over time have probably built up to 40-50 in total. A nappy for all occasions!

Initially, a 2 part nappy is better for containment especially of breastfed poo! You'll be changing them so often to begin with that you don't need to worry too much about absorbency so some kind of microfibre fabric would be fine. However, as they keep them on for longer, you might find fabrics such as bamboo better although they can take a long time to dry - we are coming into summer & if you can tumble when it's wet, the drying time is not an issue. In that case, it might be worth looking at the size 1 Lollipop bamboo which we thought were brilliant. If baby is tiny, you could look at the bamboozle size 1. The size 2 is sold as a birth-to-potty for normal sized babies so the size 1 is ideal for premature or small twins.

As they get older, pocket nappies or all-in-ones are the way to go to make things easier & to get a much better selection of colours! Our favourites have been Bum Genius & Baba+Boo. Overall, the Baba+Boo has proven to be the most durable (because of the popper fastening) although both types have easily lasted 2 babies.

In terms of accessories, definitely get a couple of lidded nappy buckets & use flushable paper liners to keep the worst off. Also, it's worth getting some washable wipes which will also save a small fortune & just get thrown in the nappy bucket with the nappies.

I can't do links because I'm new to this forum. I know the nappy lady has a good reputation. However, if you google hunnybums, we can't recommend them enough. Lucy has been very helpful over the years. She also does a trial pack with some form of guaranteed buy back although she didn't when we were getting up & running but that might be worth looking at if you haven't got a nappy library near you. She certainly take time to help you through the 'minefield' & she also does 'Skype demos' if you'd like to chat face-to-face.

HTH but just ask if you've got any more questions.
I would try out a couple - my favourites are all-in-one from http://itti.com.au/bitti d-lish and snap-in from bitti d-lish. These have a tight fit which I love!!

My husband prefers pocket diapers without snaps (hook and loop) so I have bought quite a few of these (http://www.teamlollipop.co.uk/pocke...http://www.bestbottomdiapers.com/diapers.htmlbestbottom diapers as with these (like with the snap-in) you can often reuse the nappy cover:)

I started out with muslin cloths and diaper covers when she was a newborn and than I bought more diapers as time passed by. I have found the one-size nappies to be big when she was smaller but now (14 months) they are great!!

Hope u figure out - pm if u have any questions!

There is so much choice! We did a trial through the local council and brought a selection through them. I have signed up to do the trial again with our new little man as I didn't start until our LO was 5months. I personally use Tots Bots (which are a birth to potty all in one) as I've found them the easiest to use and now my LO is older they are absorbent enough but when he was younger I was using two parters due to the absorbency. It's definitely a case of trial and error and finding what works best for you x
My main pier of advice is to try different kinds/brands. Just like sposies one type can suit one baby but be a disaster for another. I'd also avoid one of the 'kits' where you get 20ish of the same type, cos a growth spurt can mean LO is between sizes on one type, so it's good to have options.

Fillyourpants.com is a good site

Also pre loved nappy pages on face book are great for bargains. X

On my iPhone - so cant see tickers :(
Wow. So much to think about. I Defo want pocket nappies but even so there are so many brands!!
What brands should i start with?

I will do as you say and buy a few of each to see what works for us.

I can tumble dry so the drying time isn't an issue. Its an expensive outlay but I think we'll buy a few a month to get sorted.

Tapatalking :-D Can't see tickers...
just wanna weigh in that i love my gNappies. theyre expensive i thnk but theyre so good and pretty easy to use too so id advise getting 1 and trying that too. bonus is they resale for at least £10 2nd hand so if you can get one 2nd hand for around that you can sell it on for the same if you dont like it
Sorry to hijack but BevG where do you get pre loved gnappies from? We use them for Owen and love them but only have medium and large and need some small for when no2 arrives. I've never met anyone else who uses them or seen them for sale second hand
there are facebook groups for it, b/s/t gnappies and gnappie community are the uk ones, a lot of ppl also seem to get them from america if they want a particular print one lol. on ebay theyre often put as gdaipers by americans so dont come up on gnappy searches too



any problems add me on fb, beverley greenbank and i'll add you to the group.

this is all assuming you use facebook tho for these id make an account just to get them cheaper haha
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