close to tears :(


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2012
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Hi sorry for moaning yet again :sad: just had enough now :sad: had a very strong positive OPK on CD 18 used my last one (not had any results on any before) had to wait until today (CD 21) to get more and theres ZIP on them? Having very bad what feels like ovulation pains? my left side espechially hurts bad and over the pubic bone area (sorry) is sore to ive literally been punched down there (again sorry!) what can this mean?? hoping its a BFP but cant help thinking its something bad :sad: did a HPT and nothing but might just be too early :sad: feel so close to tears as i write this :sad: sorry guys any help or thoughts be really appreciated
I aren't very experienced at all this as a newbie hun- but did not want to read and run!
Big hugs xxx
If you had a + OPK 3 days ago then it's definitely not any kind of pregnancy pain Hun.

Some women get pain caused by the fluid that leaves the ovary after ov.

Also my opks go negative before I ov as opks pick up your surge that occurs before ovulation.

BD today and you'll have covered all bases. S
Thanks hun just really weird as i had all signs and symptoms of ovulation (including EWCM) when i was meant to at around day 8-11 but didnt get an + OPK results around that time! just all so strange this month think ill just chart and see how cycles are going :( getting married in two weeks so maybe its stress i dunno
hey hun try not to stress out too much (easier said than done I know)....but if you had your positive opk on cd 18...that means ul ovulate a day or two after that it could very well be ovulation pains ur feeling, or like cupcake said it could be the fluid leaving the ovary.

a hpt will definately not pick anything up yet if u only had ur pos opk 3 days ago (try not to poas too ften as itl send u doolally lol)

how long have u been ttc hun and have u recently come off birth control? do u always ov cd 8 - 11 and this cycle uv ovd later? it could be the stress of the wedding making ur cycle alter

That's what I thought maybe stress playing funny buggers with cycle just so weird I was convinced I ovulated about two weeks ago
maybe ur body tried to ov back then but then the stress delayed the actual oving? xx
Don't get discouraged, you probably just tested too early. Wait a few more days then test again. Try to relax and not stress out on it, chances are it's nothing bad. I'm hoping for a BFP to you!
Thats the same as me except I got a +opk CD9 and a +opk this morning Im gunna BD tnight but not holdin my breath this cycle feel fed up lol :(
just make sure you are careful RM! if you are pregnant you dont want to do any damage to the egg, as it wont even be implanted yet.

so tell OH nice and gentle..........
I will Lynds lol, do u think I still have a chance? I think Ive missed it :(
Right really need your help now ladies did a HPT last night (well 3 actually lol) on one myself and OH could see an extremely faint line OH thout it could have been a groove in the plastic window but kept changing his mind. Others not a bit on them. This morning sorry TMI warning had what I thought was EWCM sticky and White? I'm mega confused and getting all upset trying so hard not to get hopes up but very confused literally having signs and symptoms of both ovulation and pregnancy?????? Grrrrrrrrrr
By the way HTP almos non existent mind sometimes could see it other times not don't think I'm pregnant this month too just worried about this bloody ovulation :(
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Post a piccie love. Im all confused and upset this month gonna start over nxt cycle xxx
U literally can't see any line unless ur at a certain angle and squinting lol does having EWCM right before period mean I'm ovulating late?
Im in the sme boat as you got +opk cd9 thn another the other day I was in agony now I have EWCM a tad more milky but stretchy none the less so Im not sure when I OVd this month Im jus goin for it xxx
Yeah we're in exactly same boat! Have u taken a HPT? I'm just waiting for that witch to arrive soon and get it over with :( I'm just thinkin I'm out this month again
My other half being a bit of a girl and says he's exhausted (whoops) will work on him lol really thought this month was our month but the longer it's going and closer to AF date I'm getting more and more negative :(
Yeah me to sarah jus dead fed up feeling that Im having and eager for nxt cycle to start lol as they say 'your not out till the witch says so' haha chin up love xxx

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