Clear blue smiley


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2013
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Just got a smiley on clear blue test. Here's to the 1st official month of ttc 😀
Aw good luck, my first month ttc too. Got a smiley yesterday so dtd yesterdsy and day before. Will do tonight and tomorrow if other half is upto it! What's your date to come on next month? Mines 2nd sept x
I got a positive on Wednesday and a negative on thurs. We have dtd tues, wed and Thurs. Doubt we'll get another go tonight so hopefully I'm covered. After dtd 3 days in a row I'm maxed out ha ha. My periods are irregular at the min. I got positive on cycle day 20 so I'm expecting period round about the 1st sept. Good luck girls! ��
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Aw good luck, my first month ttc too. Got a smiley yesterday so dtd yesterdsy and day before. Will do tonight and tomorrow if other half is upto it! What's your date to come on next month? Mines 2nd sept x

We can be symptom spotting buddies ha ha
I got a positive on Wednesday and a negative on thurs. We have dtd tues, wed and Thurs. Doubt we'll get another go tonight so hopefully I'm covered. After dtd 3 days in a row I'm maxed out ha ha. My periods are irregular at the min. I got positive on cycle day 20 so I'm expecting period round about the 1st sept. Good luck girls! ��

We dtd t/w/th aswell and I got a smiley on weds too. My periods are anything from 27-35 days. Might have one last go tonight then that'll be it this month. Next month I'm getting the clearblue flashing smileys as they tell u 4 days rather than 2. Is this your 2nd? xxx
Yeah ttc no 2. I'm giving myself plenty time as took just over 2 years to fall pregnant, was really tough. Would like 2 years between them but any earlier is a bonus! Hopefully no 2 won't take as long x

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