child benefits!


Well-Known Member
Jul 2, 2006
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both me and my partner are tax payers ..but unfortunately we have no idea about any of the benefits that we are entitled upon the birth of our child..could anyone explain to me about

- childrens allowanc
- childs trust fund
- childs tax credit..

Those sites are informative, helped me out about as well, although worried me more ha ha.

Im going to have to go back to work I think after 6 months, as we may just beable to scrape by untill then! I thought what with having mortgage to pay, and OH working 40 p/w but loosing my wage we would get more of a helping hand from the government, seems not!! Hey hum, now im even more stressed as have to have a bigger mortgage by then as well (got to move from our one bed appt) guess, a reworking of the bills is in order, starting changing from Capital and interest to interest only for a year or so, save ourselves £300 a month lol.

Anyway rant over, feel a little better....................nope actually I dont, Im going to go and cry now :cry:
hope youre feeling better today me an OH are trying to pay a mortgage etc on his wages and my student loan which we will loose in the new year as im having to defer, I also thought the government would help but obviously not as OH works (even if it is crap wages lol). Good luck to you an I hope you don't get too stressed
Im quite stressed too..we live in a one bedroom house and landlord does not accept children so obviously we have to move to a bigger better house..the problem is ..WE CANT FIND A HOUSE AHHHHHHHHHHHH...for five months we have been looking and no luck yet..i think i might be going crazy..and to top it all up joe is as relaxed as a piece of lettuce
Men never seem to stress themselves about aything though do they, then wonder why you;re all stressed!!

You'll find something hun, try not to worry too much!

I mean he is lovely and he always helps me around the house and stuff but to get going with things like these he is awful bless him
As long as they are there when we need them most that's all that matters!
yes exactly..and he knows how to handle my hormonal rage aswell...i must have drove him crazy in the last five months cos one point im laughing my head out the next im crying like a baby
:lol: Think most of our OH;s on here have been through the same thing hun!
sam96031 said:
hope youre feeling better today me an OH are trying to pay a mortgage etc on his wages and my student loan which we will loose in the new year as im having to defer, I also thought the government would help but obviously not as OH works (even if it is crap wages lol). Good luck to you an I hope you don't get too stressed

Nope still stressing out over it lol. My OH just says ''ahh it will be alright'' which is winding me up even more!!!

I just disagree with the way the system works, it is not just people who are out of work that need help!! The way I see it is that people out of work are living to their means as it were as they know the cash (benifits or whatever) that comes in, so they know where it's spent, they get pregnant, and as they are already out of work they are not having to ''loose'' income, and they get the help from the government, which is fair do's. Then we have say me and OH, who have been working and saving and finally managed to get on the property lader last year, so now our wages cover a mortgage as well, we also had car loans so we were also living within our means which is fine, then we get pregnant, and know that at some point we will loose on of the wages, so we are now living OVER our means as we are £1300 a month down, but the government offer little or no help, hence people getting in to more ridicolous debt (debt buster loans anyone phahhhhh). I personally know that if I ever got in so much trouble I could go to the folks, but there are people unable to do that. It just seems unfair the way it is worked out to me! They should work it out on what you had coming in & going out before you had to give up work (for the people that are giving up work) it would be a fairer system. That way the people who are minted, say Mr & Mrs makes £20k a month (lol) they loose Mrs wage so only make £15k a month, but the out goings are only 5k so they have £10k to play with would get less than someone who makes a total of £2500, the loose £1k, and out goings are £1k so only have £500 to play with. Just my opinion anyway lol

**NOTE : I am by no means having a dig at anyone who, doesn't work, does work, claims benifits or doesn't, or has loans left right and center - Hope I didnt offend anyone**

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