Hi all!
Some of you may have seen my other post scattered around.
Well it all comes down to me now self diagnosing myself with a chemical pregnancy? I have just spoken to my doctor and hes said to wait a week and just see what happens. I am certain the pregnancy is over but bleeding hasn't started and he think it is better to just wait another week to see if things happen before heading to hospital for anything they can do?
But as far as im concerned I just want to bleed and get on with things? Im pretty sure I lots the pg on sunday and had a few cramps then and have got a few today but only small amounts of spotting?
Not really sure what to do with myself?
Some of you may have seen my other post scattered around.
Well it all comes down to me now self diagnosing myself with a chemical pregnancy? I have just spoken to my doctor and hes said to wait a week and just see what happens. I am certain the pregnancy is over but bleeding hasn't started and he think it is better to just wait another week to see if things happen before heading to hospital for anything they can do?
But as far as im concerned I just want to bleed and get on with things? Im pretty sure I lots the pg on sunday and had a few cramps then and have got a few today but only small amounts of spotting?
Not really sure what to do with myself?