Cheap Ovulation tests!


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
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Hi everyone :wave:

I'm totally new to this - this is the first time me and my partner have tried to conceive so it's all very exciting but all very frustrating too!!

I have never taken much notice of when I ovulate prior to now so I have no idea when I should etc! I have a regular cycle of 28 days and my period is always 4-5 days. I was on the pill for about 9 years but have been off it for about 5months now (we have been using protection up until now)

I decided to buy some ovulation tests and just thought I'd buy the cheapy ones for now - I've heard a lot of people say they are rubbish and don't work and not to trust them - what are your thoughts?

Ive been doing one for the last couple of days as I should in theory ovulate around the 14th day as my cycles pretty average - I've had nothing but clear negatives until today which is the 15th day of my cycle (see attachment) This is the first time a second line has appeared, all the others there hasn't even been a faint line - however according to the instructions this looks like a negative??

I have been cramping for the last two days, my appetite has completely gone so I'd like to this that the test is right! We have been doing the deed regularly and will continue to do so, so I guess it's just a waiting game.

It's my 27th birthday on the 16th July & my partners the 19th so it would be a lovely birthday present!! (Although I'm determined not to get my hopes up! This is our first month of trying!)

Be lovely to hear from anyone else in the same boat! :)


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Hiya, I've been using the cheap tests for years and never had a problem with them. The only issue I have is my LH surge is really short, only a few hours, so it is really easy for me to miss it.

Looking at your test that is so close to being positive I would imagine a few hours either way would give you a positive. If you are having other signs of ovulation then I would say today should be ovulation day for you. Good luck!
Thank you!

That was taken this morning, just taken another and very similar result so maybe I'll do a final one late tonight xxx

Thanks again
I would suggest Doing one a late afternoon/early evening :) but definitely getting there!!
I find them a lot more realible then the expensive clear blue monitors! Im chucking my last clear blue away and just using the ic :)
I use cheapo's from ebay and they seem to work fine... I did read somewhere on the forums that there's a difference between blue dye and red dye, apparently red is more reliable?
Thank you everyone for your replies!

I re-tested this morning out of curiosity and I'm pretty sure this is a definite positive! What do you think?

So now my question is, does this mean I'm ovulating right now? or I will be? I'm still very confused, everything you read seems to give you mixed messages.

Thank you :)


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I read conflicting stuff. It can be anywhere from 12 - 24 hours you will ovulate after your first positive OPK but I have read it could be 36 hours. Just try BD every other day or follow the smep plan xx
Start BDing now and BD for the next two days (SMEP recommendation). Supposedly when you get a positive opk you ovulate within 24hours.. but I think that really depends on when you get the positive, (ie initial lh surge or toward the end of your surge) which is why we're supposed to take them around the same time every day. I'm taking mine 2-3 times a day this cycle so I'm certain I catch my ov window. Have fun BDing!
From your first positive you should ov within 36 hours. However you could ov much sooner, for example I usually ov within 4-6 hours of getting my positive. Temping should confirm ov if you don't get ov pains.

Once you have had a positive some ladies will then test positive right up to AF and some the line will go again.
Thanks snowbee,

I've had two faint positives yesterday and very definite dark positive this morning. I'm not taking any temps so I guess I won't know for sure - however I have had obvious cramps today.

Will be BDing tonight! I'm so exhausted from all this action! haha my partner is not complaining of course!!


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