

Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2006
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I thought charting might make things a bit clearer for me but it's just confused me more. I've had hardly any cm this month which is unusual for me and my temperatures don't seem to show that i have ovulated yet.

Me and my oh are bding every other night (or there abouts) but i think we might have to have a break as we are both getting a bit sore (tmi :oops: ) and i think i might have a bit of a water infection as i'm peeing loads and have a kind of dull ache really low down in my stomach. I'm drinking cranberry juice as i type and hopefully this should sort me out!!

It's my birthday in three days and at the start of the year i sooo thought i'd be pregnant by then

Gem x
Hi Gem

seeing your chart today it looks like you ov'ed on CD 24 or 25... If your temp stays up you will get the red lines in 1-2 days probably :)

Don't worry too much about the CM, I've heard women getting pg the month they had no fertile CM so anything is possible!

Hope you made it! Fingers crossed

Are you using Ovulation sticks as well? I found this helped as bd'ing so much can be very sore (as you've found out) and tiring!

I discovered using ov sticks that I didn't ovulate until day 18/19, I think it was the second month of using them that I got pregnant. I also started charting that month too.

Stick with the charting it's really helpful to see the shift in temp.

It's really weird, before I knew what fertile cm was I had loads of it but as soon as I discovered that the long stringy cm was the fertile stuff, the following months I hardly had any!! I still got pregnant though so don't worry too much about that.

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