Changing to formula?

Mrs CW

Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2010
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Hi all,
I feel so guilty writing this but I'm thinking of changing Dylan to formula. We've almost exclusively breastfed so far but it is causing me a lot of anxiety and stress. I've been on antibiotics which have really upset my little man, he's had diarrhoea and vomiting so we've been to the drs to get him checked out. I get panicked if we're out and it's getting close to his feed as I just want to get home where I'm comfortable something my OH doesn't really understand. I've tried expressing and get about 4oz at a time but LO just wants more so it defeats the point. As I'm now on even more antibiotics I've decided it would probably be better for both of us if we switch to formula but I feel so guilty about it!
Can I just change him over or should it be a gradual thing? Also we have fed him 2 bottles of aptimal ready made formula in the last 3 weeks both of which he brought back up so I don't think it agrees with him. Is aptimal particularly rich? I was thinking of trying cow and gate but I don't know much about the different formulas is it a case of try it and see how he reacts?
Thanks for any help
X x x
Don't feel guilty hun, you're only trying to do the best for your baby. If you would feel happier ff then go for it. What about combined feeding? I successfully did both bf and ff from 4 weeks until last week (11 weeks) when Jax refused the breast anymore. I would bf as much as I could when at home and then take formula while out and about or if my dh got up in the night to give me some rest.

We use the Aptimil milk and the first few feeds did come back up projectile but I think that was just his tummy getting used to formula as he was soon fine. I found it better to give him a couple of oz, then wind him, then feed him again to stop it.

Do not feel guilty or a failure hun xxx

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I'm bfing bit occasionally give him formula and we use cow and gate which my midwives and health visitors seem to agree with use of for some reason.

Don't beat yourself up, you're doing really well. If you want to change to FF there's nothing wrong with that.

I totally understand about wanting to feed him at home, I always did. It was a rare occassion when I fed him out n about. At home was more comfortable and relaxed and he could feed for hours if he wanted.

BF babies do have loose poos. Oscar didn't have solid poos until he was on solid foods, his BF only poos where always runny, that is normal.

And is he bringing up alot of milk or is it just possiting? Which can still be a fare bit, but it wouldn't be a whole feed for example.

It is very hard work in those first few weeks, once you get a month or so in it really settles down.

Don't beat yourself up if you want to stop though, you've given him the best start.

Thanks for the replies.
I was thinking of combination feeding and its something me and my OH have discussed. I'm seeing the hv tomorrow so I'll speak to her about it. We've brought some cow and gate so will try that but may try the aptimal again.

He has always had loose poos but the past few days they have basically just been coloured water! I can hear his tummy churning aswell.
When he's sick it seems to be the whole feed. I had a puddle of sick in-between my legs yesterday and it was all over him and the sofa too! The mw discussed possetting as he was being sick before the antibiotics but it was nowhere near as much or as often so I think his stomach is still upset by them. X
Aww bless him. Defo doesn't sound like normal poos and possitting (sp?). Have they changed your anti-biotics now? Hopefully that will make a difference if so.

My LO used to have the odd bottle when he was first born due to issues with latching and to give me a break sometimes too and he was always much better with C&G than aptimal. I only stopped BFing 2 weeks ago and he's now on C&W growing up milk and he's fine with that also.

I'm probably going to combi-feed this next LO as BFing takes up so much time and I think this LO will be on C&G too. And tbh when I taste it to make sure the temp is ok it's quite nice lol
They've just changed my antibiotics so hopefully that will help and also the c &g to give us both a break! Thanks for your advice x
You can only do what is right for you & lo so you should never feel guilty. We put grace on apitimal and she just chucked it back up so we're now on hipp organic formula which has been going down very well ever since x
Thanks Tinks we brought a carton of hipp organic too as we weren't sure how he would react to the c & g. He managed to keep the c & g down yesterday but he did want feeding again 2 hours later! X
I am in the same situation, there is a lot of pressure to BF, and it's only brought me tears so far, amthinking of switching to formula as well.

I've got one nipple which works fine and is virtually inderstructible, and one which he's obliterated and is covered in cracks and scabs, so I decided to pump from that side, as it was too traumatic having a baby munch on it and me scrwaming in pain every time he latched on. Now trying to feed him from just one side and express and bottle feed from the other, and if that doesn't work, I will probably have to switch to formula.
Hun don't feel guilty! Orlando has been on formula since day 2 and hv said he is the happiest baby :)

I used to feel really nervous about breastfeeding when we went out at that stage but once I got more confident I realised that no one seemed to care or even notice, and I could feed my LO perfectly fine. Why not give it a go in a place you know is baby friendly and has a feeding room, maybe take a friend if you're feeling nervous?
Please don't give up breast feeding, it's the best food you can give your little baby, by miles, even with the antibiotics (with which we had similar issues). The best and most expensive baby formula does not even come close to the milk that you can produce for free :)
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I agree with the above. I was very nervous at feedin in public at first, but now I actually like it! No one can see a thing, I have an awesome
Cover by bebe au lait, but I WANT people to know I am feeding my own baby and that breastfeeding is "cool" I k ow it sounds a Bit ridiculous, but I feel special! Bit like I did when I was pregnant.

And I have a lasting memory of being inthe John Lewis baby room, and I was changing a
Nappy before a feed and there was a poor girl
In there trying to heat up a bottle of
Formula, the bottle heater was broken, te baby was screaming bloody
Murder and the poor mum was seriously stressed. When I say next to her and popped baby on boob no trouble (he was a few months old), she looked at me ad said, wow, it's so easy - I with I hadn't given up so quickly.

But, each to their own!!!!! Do what makes you happy , there's no
Point in being Miserable, you'll Be a Better mummy if you're happy. Xx
I'm feeling happier today after a good chat with the hv who gave me loads of advice. Dylan is gaining weight and is on the 50th centile. I'm going to keep going with bf combined with expressing and I know that he will take formula if I need. I just hope these antibiotics don't affect him as much as the last lot!

ISH I hope your ok. Have you been given any of the cream from your mw to help with cracked nipples? It sounds so painful! It's hard when there's so much pressure. My hv said I need to do what's best for me and LO and that I need to be happy, that's what matters x x x
I'm feeling happier today after a good chat with the hv who gave me loads of advice. Dylan is gaining weight and is on the 50th centile. I'm going to keep going with bf combined with expressing and I know that he will take formula if I need. I just hope these antibiotics don't affect him as much as the last lot!

ISH I hope your ok. Have you been given any of the cream from your mw to help with cracked nipples? It sounds so painful! It's hard when there's so much pressure. My hv said I need to do what's best for me and LO and that I need to be happy, that's what matters x x x
I've been using Lansinoh for a few days, but the nipple is still a mess. No way is any baby ever coming close to that nipple again, it's been too traumatic. He's taking expressed milk in the bottle very well and he's a clever boy, not confusing the two.
I'm feeling happier today after a good chat with the hv who gave me loads of advice. Dylan is gaining weight and is on the 50th centile. I'm going to keep going with bf combined with expressing and I know that he will take formula if I need. I just hope these antibiotics don't affect him as much as the last lot!

ISH I hope your ok. Have you been given any of the cream from your mw to help with cracked nipples? It sounds so painful! It's hard when there's so much pressure. My hv said I need to do what's best for me and LO and that I need to be happy, that's what matters x x x
I've been using Lansinoh for a few days, but the nipple is still a mess. No way is any baby ever coming close to that nipple again, it's been too traumatic. He's taking expressed milk in the bottle very well and he's a clever boy, not confusing the two.

Ish.. Have you tried nipple shields? They might help too?

I could never get my son latched onto my right boob properly, ever! In the whole year that I fed him it always used to hurt really bad. The only way it was bearable was when I fed him laying down! Most babies are more suited to one side than the other. My left boob is still bigger than the right lol, although it is now not as bad as when I was full of milk lol
I tried nipple shields, but he couldn't manage to draw any milk out :( While still biting like crazy!
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I tried nipple shields, but he couldn't manage to draw any milk out :( While still biting like crazy!

Ouch! I feel your pain. I never tried nipple shields. I had some but couldn't figure it out lol

Defo let it heal first, they do heal quite quickly I found. My left was always absolutely perfect, but right was agony. I only stopped BFing a few weeks back and even then it would hurt if I wasn't lying down when on the right.

Did you try feeding laying down on that side? Or rugby ball hold? I could never figure rugby ball hold out.

God knows how I made it a year of BFing lol
We spent our first week feeding while lying down, and I think Vince might have picked up a few bad habits then.

I spoke to a bf consultant and she was at a loss too, the problem is he clamps his mouth and refuses to open wide.
Try running your nipple down his nose it will
Encourage him to tilt his head back and open wide...

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