Changing tables!!


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Feb 23, 2016
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I need some thounghts and advices. Changing tables - how do you think, is there any need in this? Where can I buy that stuff? Advice some resources over the internet. Thank you!
It was originally on my list of things to buy, just because I thought I should. It soon got deleted, I think they're pointless. If anything, I'll buy a cot top changer, but I imagine I'll just change on the floor and bed ect
I didn't bother with one with my daughter, and I probably wont with this baby either. I've heard from ladies who've had a section delivery that they are a god send though, cause you dont have to lean over surfaces or get on the floor to change the baby. If that ends up being the case this time around I'll send the OH to argos or mothercare lol, if not I wouldn't waste money :) just go with your gut decision, if its something you want to have then buy one, you can always sell it on afterwards :) x
You can buy them all over: Mothercare, mamas and papas, babies R us, argos, tesco, amazon. Just have a peek on each website at the different brands and prices :)
I got a lovely chest of drawers from John lewis- it has a changing thing on the top which is completely removable- I'm really pleased with it and it didn't break the bank!
I didnt bother with one first time round but definitely will next time.

After you give birth we are left with prolactin in our joints and the constant bending for me meant within a week my knees hurt from bending and elbows hurt from feeding which a feeding pillow was great for.

Not everyone gets it bad. But mine was awful and my right knee has never been the same. Feels week almost, so Ill be getting one.

We did have the drawer topper in the nursery but during the early days and night changes etc I didnt wanna go all the way in the room so will prob have one to wheel from livinroom to bedroom.

I know plenty whov used them and equally lots who didnt or did for a little bit. Imo, if you have the space, theyr cheap enough, every bitnof support helps.

I bought a cot top one and really liked it. Once she got to 5 months though she was a really quick roller and would try to flip herself off it so I got a £5 mat and put it on the floor
My original plan was to buy one but my friend had a changing station that she paid a fortune for and never actually used it! My plan is to buy a changing mat and just use it either on the floor or a chest of drawers I'm going to be upcycling for the nursery x
Changing tables are not recommended as babies can easily fall or roll off them, and they are responsible for the majority of accidental injury after babywalkers, due to babies falling off them.

Added to that most people have the baby changing table in the bedroom/nursery and honestly you are soon not going to want to take your baby upstairs/to the bedroom every time you need to change them.

I just had a wipe clean changing mat and would use it in the living room mostly or bathroom etc.
The changing tables Ive looked at are arched at each side like a skateboard half pipe :p think a new born would be hard pressed to roll up and out of one of them in a second :lol: could always opt for a helmet too :p

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During the newborn stage we just used mats on the floor or bed for convenience (you're changing about 10 nappies a day!) but this soon became too much for my back and we started using our cot top changer instead. Loved it! We still use it now, although as our daughter is well over the max weight it now sits on top of her chest of drawers (it's well wedged in so it can't move) as a permanent changing and dressing station. Of course you can never leave them unattended, but the idea is that you keep everything you will need within reach.
My husband says changing table is must-have. He searched for a long time and decided to make a deal with Just take a look at this lovely thing! :dance::dance::dance:


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I wouldn't bother with a changing table unless you live in a bungalow...there's no way I'm carrying my baby up and down stairs to change them.
I've never had one and all the people I know that have haven't used them for more than a week.
I got given a second hand one but I'm using it as a storage unit and not as a changing table x
Probably would add I probably wouldnt buy one if I didnt live on one level.

I plan just to wheel from the living room to room, which would be the same as when I moved my moses, not a huge deal for us.


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