

Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2011
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This is not an april fools btw - i woke up this morning with period like pains around my hips and tummy area and into my bum. Proper couldnt move with them but somehow managed to get to the bathroom. Tried to go to the toilet and couldnt sit down. Had to get my sis to run a bath for me! The pain felt like contractions - well i think thats what they feel like! I managed to get into the bath, its hot but I'm shivering and now they have eased and its slight twinges now and again. Ive had no show that I can recollect - ive not been the greatest at checking :shock: and ive drank so much water (it cools my mouth with the toothache) that ive been at the toilet every blooming 10mins so as a result ive had no sleep apart from 2 hours which these pains have rudely woken me from! So is it possible they could have went and ive mistaken it?! I was also sick about 7 times to..? Xxxx
Can anyone shed some light? Xxxx
Didn't want to read and run! I'm no tri 3er, but as far as I know not everyone has a show. Sounds good for you xx
Thanks leesey! Im so scared... I dont know what to think! Lol xxx
Just stay calm and enjoy your day! How's the weather in Fifeshire ;) It's a bit dull here but still nice enough to sit out the back. You're in no hurry to get to the hospital, so just chill for now and get timing!! Once you're closer then phone the hospital and they'll tell you whether or not to come in yet. You'll be fine!! xx
I refuse to get out the bath lol! Im scared :( weather is beautiful here! Defo a day for a beer - wishful thinking though lol! Xxx
Just see how it goes hunny, it could be that you laid funny or baby is lying on a nerve but could also be the start for you too. It's all very confusing lol. There are contraction apps you can download free to your phone which will help you get proper timings if you think it's contractions xxxxxxxxx
Sounds promising hun, good luck if it is xxx
Hey hun,

Not sure myself, but I would say just see if lying down eases it at all or a hot drink or hot water bottle. Main thing to do is keep your eye on it to see if it starts to get better or worsens, if it worsens then I would ring your midwife just to be sure or you can always do an assesment on the NHS website to see what it could possible be from your symptoms. xxx
Hi ladies - wee update! Phoned the midwife, got told to go down to check. Went down - shock I didn't have my maternity bag properly packed so had to do that before I went! Went away down and got an internal. I expected it to be agonising but it wasn't to bad - was more uncomfortable than anything! My plug is still there as is my waters but I'm 1cm dilated - whatever that means lol. Now I'm home and due to being prodded and poked I'm wiping blood. Sorry TMI! Lol xxx
well at least you are on your way hun might be a while yet but at least your moving along, try and sleep and if you can exercise gently or bounce or have sex might help it come on quicker x x x good luck finegrs corssed wont be long x x x
:yay: 1cm is very positive! Hopefully the internal will dislodge stuff and move it all along hun :hug: xxxxxxxxx
Thanks ladies :D Was up at 4am with those pains again- god knows what they are if they aren't labour pains but I know think I'm gonna be a right woss in labour! My DH text me and said I'll be fine - I know he's just trying to make me feel better but he got one hell of a text back... bugger! Good job he is working away right now or a slap would have contacted his face haha! True love that is - poor bloke lol xxx
Hahahaha bless him, they can't do anything right can they?

Did you manage to time them? The ones I had Friday were every 3-5 minutes lasting over a minute a time and hurt like hell. I'm really starting to dread proper labour tbh
Haha certainly not! Lol :) Nah i never this morning because I knew it wasnt the start of anything and was trying to concentrate getting off my bed without weeing myself rofl!
Is it still Bh's for you BB? I cant deal with the pain already - Ive decided i will not be on that birthing ball to encourage her to come out anymore haha she can stay in there as long as she likes now lol! Xxx
I've been banned from my ball cos of the spd otherwise I'd have gone through the floorboards by now. They have calmed down at the moment, had period pains in my back at 3 this morning but that's about it. After the last few days it's nice not to have any major pains lol
Oo exciting ! Hope you are feeling better ! When is dh due home? X
I woke at 4am with pains again but nothing really since... Ive been having twinges but trying not to get my hopes up! Hubby isnt due home until the 15th but the company he works for said they will fly him back if I go into labour before! I wish we could have a certain bloody date for our LO's to arrive instead of on and off bloomin symptoms! I swear my LO is now grounded until she's 30 the way shes been playing havoc with my insides haha! xxx
ooohh how exciting Levi, I've had nothing but horrible braxton hicks they are so uncomfy!!
think my lo is quite happy in there and doesnt want to come out :p xx
Well that's good that they will send him back early x

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