Cd1 soy cycle #2


Well-Known Member
Dec 12, 2011
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So after my first cycle using soy I was so convinced I was preg with realy gd symptoms right down to weeing more often but nope af arrived bang on time so my body realy excelled itself this month in terms of symptoms stupid body grrr so plan this month take soy again day 4-8 this time dans on maca to help with any sperm problems there may or may not be but all helps in long run lol l continue with the epo aswel cos it realy helped with Ewcm lat ovulation but I'm just gonna take 1000mg a day cos 1500 was to much I was leaving a slug trail behind haha and I'm gonna try to just enjoy this cycle at the same time and keep busy doing things with my daughter once she breaks up tomoro and just go with the flow :) x
Sounds like a good plan to me! I might give soy a go if this month doesnt pan out as hoping! x
great plan! especially the bit about enjoying time with Maddison!

tons of baby dust for this cycle! I hope your body is kinder to you this cycle.
Thnx :) I always like to have a plan it helps me focus lol now for the pma , I AM GOING TO GET A BFP THIS CYCLE!! :) xx
Well cd 3 so tomoro I start the soy think il start on 120, 120, 160, 160 and 200 and prey lol xx
Cd4 so today I start the soy 120 for today let the fun begin lol xx
Sorry to hear the witch got you :( Best of luck this cycle! I haven't tried evening primrose oil yet. Are there certain days you take it on?
Yes tablet form Minnie , u take from cd1 to O but last month I took from about cd5 and it worked very well u take between 1000 -2000 mg a day and if u can drink more water that helps aswel x
Good luck Jojo, I hope the soy works it's magic for you. xxx
Thnx rednurse :) me to fed up of it all now need to move on with my life :-/ 10 weeks already wow time is going by so quickly bet it's not fr u tho hey , cd5 already day 2 taking soy but don't take till later on tonight 120 again today I think then up it the next 3 days xx

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