Cd 24


Well-Known Member
Oct 27, 2011
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Well I am still temping and it is up and down Fertility friend chart says I Ovulated on CD 25 last month and I know it can change.
But I have been using the clear blue ovulation tests last week and just a circle didn't do one yesterday or Christmas day but today I have done 2 (just to make sure) and I have had 2 smiley faces but my temp was high this morning. So does this mean any time in the nest 48 hours I could ovulate? If anyone has any thoughts I would like to hear them :)
hey hun im not too sure as i dont use the CBFM but generally if an opk gives you a positive reading it means you'l ovulate next day (usually) so if i wer you id be BD'ing today and next couple of days to make sure xx
Hi, with the smiley faces im pretty sure you ov within the nxt 24hrs or so!! Hope you have been bding n fx for a bfp for you.

Michelle. x
Thank you we BD last night and will tonight hopefully :)
Got another smiley face today and temp has lowered a bit so will see what it is in the morning.
Fertility Friend says ov is expected is occur within 24 hours of a positive opk - good luck!! :) xx
Thank you I have had 2 positives but my temp didn't drop as low as last month but has gone up high today. so unsure if my body is messing me about. :/

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