Cant you please reccomend some re-usable nappies!

lea m

Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2008
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That aren't like £200! Surely there must be some cheaper!? :think:
If you could give me names of good ones I can google and check out eBay also!
Thanks ladies!
have you tried ebay - you have people selling off new nappies that they don't want to use.

If you want cheaper nappies you will be looking at the terry nappies system which is the cheapest. Shaped nappies are pricier but easier to use. £200 is a big initial outlay but works out a lot cheaper over the years. Another option is second hand nappies, you can get some great bargains this way. - if you go to the sale section of the website they have a "seconds" section where you can get some of their nappies at vastly reduced costs. Prefolds are pretty cheap, too, but they don't suit everyone (we like 'em, though!). Lots of work at home mums have their own sites, too, and they're worth a look.

I got quite a few Tots Bots bamboozles on ebay quite cheaply recently. Also worth a look is - not all are used, though, there are many bargains to be had.
Thanks ladies!! :D
This is completely new too me! And when I googled about a million makes came up so have no idea which to look at! haha

I know £200 is cheaper then years of disposables but I just dont have the £200 to spend in one go! Need to kinda spread the cost haha
Im still completely lost! :wall:
Theres so many different types?! I have no idea! Im thinking maybe I should just stick with disposable lol!
Am I better with velcro or poppers? Im pretty sure terrys nappies arent for me!
Bamboo or cotton?

Tell me is little lamb a good one!? Ella's House? I really dont want to go buy a load off the net to find I dont like them etc! I really want to know what Im buying IYKWIM?
Oh and how many will I need? How many liners etc too! Do i need boosters or are they for older children!?
I feel so thick heehee just not something I have ever looking into before unfortunately!
I'd like to have a go of reusables but like you, I just don't know where to start. I can read all about them but it never makes much sense!

I usually need to see things in action for me to understand, I might get a trial kit and see how I get on.

I've been using re-useable nappies since my little girl was about 3 weeks old. We started with a range of different ones that I bought mainly second hand to try and decide which ones worked best for us. I found that the bamboo, although really soft, took ages to dry, even in the summer. I couldn't get on with the two part system as I found them fiddly, Lily didn't seem to like them much, and they got quite damp. We ended up getting bumgenuis nappies which are a pocket nappy. I love these and have found them to be really easy to use and quick to dry. They are a pvc outer layer with a fleece inner layer and a gap in the middle that you stuff with a pad. I tend to make the nappies up and keep them in a basket so then when she needs a change it is just like putting on a disposible. They have a velcro fastening and poppers on the front so they should fit her until she is potty trained. They also come in a range of different colours. I use a fleece liner in the nappy as I use a barrier cream and without the liner it could damage the absorbancy of the nappy. I also use washable wipes which I find quite handy as they are a lot bigger than normal wipes. I have about 17 nappies and find that to be plenty - I tend to wash a load a day. I normally put them through a rinse cycle first then wash them at 60 with a small amount of ecological washing liquid and I am surprised at how there is virtually no staining. I also have a wet nappy bag in my changing bag so if I'm going out I just put the dirty nappies in there.

They are quite expensive although you may be able to pick up a few second hand. I think ebay may have changed their rules and no longer allow used nappies to be sold only new so you might be better off looking at the used nappy website.

Hope this is of some help - I know how over-whelming cloth nappies can seem at first and I promise that I am not on commission!

Oh thank you so much! I was looking at them bumgenius ones last night! (I was up sooooo late looking at , thanmks for the link daftscotslass! :D ) I did decide on Little lamb but now I dont know!?!? heehee
So pocket ones are like an all in one!?
See I didnt even know you needed to put on a nappy then a wrap thing!! :shock: I know nothing at all heehee but after reading and reading last night I got a bit more knowledge! :D
So about 17 is what I will need?!
Can Bamboo go in the dryer?! Im ight do as you did and buy a few different ones to start and see, then when I know what Im doing ansd which suit Lola then buy a load!! :D

Thanks again everyone for you help! :hug:
Depending on the type of nappy bamboo can go in the tumble dryer but it could take quite a little while. Getting a small selection is probably for the best as every baby is different and what works great for one might not be so good for another.

Have fun making your decision!
Oh thanks Bee! :D
Thats a really lovely offer but its ok, Im going to just buy some as Im sure I will like them!
Im getting 2 tots bots ones off Daftscotslass and just bid on some Little lamb ones on the used nappie website! :D
But thank you again! :hug: :hug: :hug: Its so lovely of you! :D
No problem :D Just give me a shout if you want to try them first :D

I have a brand new set of Bambo Size 2 Little Lambs sitting here too :lol:

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