cant face the fact i might loose bubba bean :'(


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2012
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I am 6 weeks and a day today, went to docs with what i thought might be normal pain and a uti but now have to go straight to the epu at 8.15 in morning with a suspect eptopic (sp) or if the pain gets worse i have to go in tonight... safe to say i havent stop crying since i left the surgery... my partner keeps saying that until the scan in morning keep positive but i feel like ive just been told that its the end of my pregnancy i actually feel numb ... anyone been in the same situation and now have a healthy pregnancy xxx
Oh hon I haven't, but wanted to say I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for you that all is ok tomorrow :hugs:
Not the same no, I get pains in my left side and I went for a scan on Monday after a bleed and baby is in my womb and 8w+4 with strong heart bead.
I have also had a previous ectopic, I had NO PAIN at all, no symptoms of ectopic, we thought I'd mc but my hcg was still going up on blood tests, and even at 9w as i had cysts, baby was still not visible, went for exploratory laparoscopy and they had to remove part of my right tube and the ectopic pregnancy.
FX baby is in ur womb and doing well
Not had the same, but I went to my doc when I was 18 with pains and he said 'you need to go straight to A&E, I think u have an ectopic pregnancy'
It was a total shock, and I was with my mum! So I had to then explain to my mum that the doc thought I had an ectopic pregnancy, first time she knew I was sexually active, and that she had to bring me straight to A&E, the doc even gave me a note so they would see me straight away.

After all that, A&E found that I had a UTI!! Ridiculous!

Hope its just an unnecessary scare hun like I had. I'll keep my FX for u xx

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Thanks everyone.. hoping the doctor is just being catious and that bubba bean is snug in there with his/her heart beating away.. to be honest i've prepared for the worst, thanks jayjay that made me have a glimmer of hope that it might just be a uti like i thought it was.... 8.15 seems so far away right now xx
Fingers crossed for you & it all goes well tomorrow xx
Fx for u tomorrow lovely, will be thinking of u x
Honey when I first found out I was pregnant I went docs to register and he checked my tummy, pushed on my right side and I jumped because it hurt. Sent me straight to epu to get checked and I was about 5 weeks and baby was in right place I'm now 20 weeks today. Don't give up totally when I went for my scan they said u sometimes get pain from the side u ovulated to conceive the baby and that's what I was experiencing xxxx
Thank you so much everyone... it quater to 6 in the morning and im finding it hard to sleep, im trying to stay positive but just keep fearing the worst.. will update you all as soon as possible xxx
When m and dh went to go to tell her I was pg
She asked if I had had cramps I said yeh like mild period cramps
She referred me straight away for early scan as she thought it was ectopic
But no lil bubs wAs in the right place heart beating away!
X x fx for u x x
hope today goes well for you hun, fingers crossed all is ok xx
Good luck hun... I am praying you have had your scan already now as its 9am, and that you have found out everything is okay! I'm going through the same thing atm and its terrifying, I really sympathise.

Let us know how you get on hun xxx

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