Can you tell whats sticking out???


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2010
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Baby keeps sticking something out on the right hand side of my bump and I can't work out whether its a head or a bum ha Can anyone tell what body parts are what when baby sticks them out and if so how far gone are you???? I am wondering when I will be able to tell xxxxx
I asked the doc to tell me what was what... It's most likely the bum you feel since most babies are head down at 30 weeks :)
I wonder if he is going to be one of those babies that sleeps bum in the air ha xxx I often have a feel around but don't want to pee baby off too much prodding and feeling
I can tell now what bit is which now. Plus I know when baby is head down. They don't stay head down for a long time yet and can pop in and out. AJ goes from one side of my belly to the other as well which is funny. x
could be bum or knees and feet......they lie head down and on one side you will have bum but then if you can imagine feet wold be right at the top of your bump with knees just under...xx
He tends to lie low down and its always hard at the bottom of my bump, at my 27 wk scan he was already head down. I do often get the feeling he is doing somersaults ha I am obsessed with watching him move makes me smile xxx

Anyone seen a hand or foot yet?
yep I had a alien moment a few weeks ago. I know it was a hand cos it was by my belly button and it came out and went from one side of my bump to the other and went again. I like to think he was having a little yawn and stretch. lol
i tickle what i know is the little bum...or big bum now in my xx
My OH does that. My son did it the other day and I said to him "did you know you have just tickled AJ's butt?". Being 13 and a grotty teenager he actually went and washed his hand. lol
Im on my phone, so cant see tickers, but at my 28 week appointment the mw told the student it was too early to tell different bits. She said something poking me at 34 weeks was a knee, which I thought was odd. Xxx
i repeatedly get a foot sticking straight up out of the top of my stomach i also see his hands move across my belly button (feels really weird when he does that! :D) mark put his head on my stomach to kiss me and harry kicked him straight in the face! ha ha serves him right! lol
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I am nearly 31 weeks Mclaren :)
Ha I know its funny when they get a kick in the face or ear ha I often get a rolling feeling as if he is having a disco in there and doing the truffle shuffle ha xxxxx I love it so much seeing him move
I have absolutely no idea which bits are sticking out where. None whatsoever.
I have a bottom under my left ribs, and two feet on my right side that like to it me one by one. It's like he is practising running! Lol!

I also get a hand grabbing my right hip which is a very odd sensation! He also likes to turn his head on my pelvis :/

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