Can i join Tri 1 please?


Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2011
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I got my BFP at 7 am this morning and me and OH are in complete shock, but we've only told 1 friend so far, but tellling OH mum later when she comes for dinner.
I've just had to go upstairs to check that it is still a BFP.

Please can anyone help how to get a pregnancy ticker as cant seem to get pic up
hi and welcome! You get a pregnancy ticker by clicking at one (for example one of mine) and than you fill in your dates:)

Lots of luck!

Click on one og my tickers it will take u to and you can make a pregnancy ticker there x
I did try that and it did come up but no pic
You then have to edit your signature which is in your account settings and add the bb address that the ticker gives you. Hope that makes sense.
Congrats Hun, do you know how far you are x
Hi Sleepy Sue
I think i'm about 6 weeks, as my last AF was 2nd June, but my last cycle was 42 days but thats the dates i'm going so not really sure
When did you find out? Is this your first?
This will be my fourth, OH's third and our first together.
Hi Sleepy Sue
As you can see the ticker hasnt worked, it's so annoying
congratulations and welcome ohh exciting the first one " together" bet the other children will be excited when they find out! :) x
Thanx K8
But were not telling the kids (mine all boys nearly 15, 13 and 10) yet as my boys live with my ex-husband and were at mo going through divorce, were not telling OH's kids (girl 15 and boy nearly 14) live with us.
Were not telling any one till after 12 weeks apart from one friend who lives in New Zealand and OH's mum later when she comes for dinner.
helloo and congrats, welcome to the bump club lol, feel free to moan, groan and ask us ANYTHING, trust me too much information is not an issue in this place hahaha xxxx
I see you gok your ticker working ok now -

Congratulations to you on your pregnancy, wow 4 boys and 1 girl between you and your OH and another on the way!!

I have older kids too 12, 10 and 9 and now a new baby , and the large age gap is sooooo nice - enjoy

Wishing you a fabulous 9 mths X

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