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Can dating scans be wrong!!


Well-Known Member
Nov 27, 2007
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Hi All,

Hope you are all doing well and your LO's not giving you too much grief!! I'm sore and still tired but no sickness yet :D

Just wanted to query something had a dating scan on Monday 4th Feb and told that I was approx 6 weeks gestation heartbeat seen and length 3.1mm.

Had a bit of a scare on Friday 15th and rescanned as precaution and again heartbeat seen very strong and fast and length 11mm, and told 7 weeks when I make myself nearer 8 weeks as of today Monday 18th!

I'm slightly concerned about this as they screwed my son's dates up and he ended up in SCBU due to there error and not believing either me or OH.

Should if my pregnancy continues speak to my consultant about this? But thats not until 21st April when I make myself 17 weeks !

Sorry to burden this one on you... but any advice would be helpful.

Thanks in advance
take care
:hug: :hug:
One thing I would advise every woman on the forum to do is to never ever neglect your instincts... The NHS may have the equipment to detect things that we would never have known, but they are not you!

My mum kept telling doctors that something just wasn't right with her baby and they ignored her, told her there was nothing to worry about and so she shut up because she felt as though she was just being annoying... Anyway, there were huge complications and she had to give birth to a baby that was no longer alive at 20 weeks. She had been right all along and no-one helped her because there was nothing immediately visable wrong.

If you think there is a chance they may have calculated the dates wrong, ask them to re-check.

One thing I have thought since finding out I was pregnant is that this is MY body and MY baby and if I say something isn't "right" I want it looked into.. Don't get me wrong, where the heck would we be without the wonderful people behind the NHS?! BUT, they are not always right, despite what people may think.

Hope you get it sorted so you can relax a bit! :hug:

Yes, the dates given aren't 100% accurate by any means ...So its definitely something worth bearing in mind and perhaps noting on your file or mentioning to your Midwife.

Each baby has a different growth rate in utero and there are other factors that can make a difference. For example the baby's position can make it hard to get accuratein first Trimester scans, if your bladder is not particularly full, the scan won't be as clear, again affecting accuracy.

-As you have had these scans does that mean you won't be having a dating scan at 12 weeks?
If you only make yourself about about a week ahead, or they make you a week behind, I'd not worry too much.

They don't as a rule change your due date at your 12 week dating scan nor your 20 week one unless its more than are more than a week or so out either way.

I was dated slightly differently at my scans but neither time did they worry about altering my due date to reflect this.
Sherlock said:
They don't as a rule change your due date at your 12 week dating scan nor your 20 week one unless its more than are more than a week or so out either way.

I think it must differ in regions then as I was only 3 days out and my due date has been changed on everything.. xx
dannii87 said:
I think it must differ in regions then as I was only 3 days out and my due date has been changed on everything

Guess so. I know of quite a few women who haven't had their dates changed. At 20 weeks you could be a different growth size again. I have another scan at 34 weeks but LO is already measuring 30 weeks and I was spot on 28 at the time. So long as its within a reasonable margin works for me :)

'Baby will arrive when it's ready' is what my consultant said to me. He said they didn't change dates inside of a week as its really anyones guess as to the exact date baby will arrive. Most first time babys are never on their due date. None of them have been concerned with anything a week either way.
I had a dating scan a while back and they measured baby at 5.5mm but said i was 6 weeks. when ALL the books etc say that at 6 weeks you'd be more like 3-4mm.
Anyway's at my 12 week scan, they found out i was actually 13 weeks, so they got it wrong by a week.
Its hard for them to tell when its so small, so they do make mistakes.
If you will be getting a 12 week scan, that will be more accurate. I had exactly the same experience as MillyLillyRose...a 5.5mm LO estimated at 6 weeks. I knew that the dates didnt add up to LMP. The proper dating scan moved me forward a week and agrees with LMP.
Hi Ladies,

Thanks for your replies.. I have another scan booked for Monday 3rd March so hopefully all will become clear then! Just dont want to be left to overcook this time due to there dates!

Take care all
:hug: :hug:
dannii87 said:
One thing I have thought since finding out I was pregnant is that this is MY body and MY baby and if I say something isn't "right" I want it looked into..

Totally agree, we should never feel bad about asking.
i pay no attention to the midwife and scans changing my date, they put me back a day (apparently) at my first scan but my bledder was apparently empty and she still made me the same gestation!
My midwife then put my dates forward another 3 days! Dont even know why. my periods were always very regular when i had natural ones (was on pill for years before getting pregnant) and so i trust my own dates on it, plus baby is fine for it's age.
I'd mention what happened before, make them listen

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