Can BBT be wrong?


Well-Known Member
May 22, 2016
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According to FF I ovulated 3 days ago. I didn't have positive opk, ewcm or any real indications that I was ovulating. I did have some pain in my left side on CD11 and maybe that was ovulation? OH and I did not dtd enough at all so I'm wondering if it is possible for this to be wrong, should I continue testing with opks? So disappointed.

My Ovulation Chart
I used FF for a while but have since moved to a different app which I prefer. It looks like to me your 'ovulation dip' wasn't actually a dip? Your temp isn't wrong, I'd guess that the app has miscalculated you as ovulating? Stick with it for a few days and see if it continues to rise. If it does, it might be correct, but I was under the impression that the dip would be quite a dip?
Yea... I had a bigger dip on CD10 and in previous charts I've had significant dips. When I saw the temps going up the past couple days it raised a flag for me, didn't seem right. I don't know, I'm just confused and feeling defeated by ttc.
I don't always get a massive dip, sometimes it is quite slight but the rise afterwards is always there and mine will then stay up usually until the day before AF arrives. If your temp stays up I would say you ovd, if it drops back down I would say not yet. Problem with temping is you don't know until afterwards!
Just to add, my temp from AF to nearing ov is usually around 36.4. During my fertile window it drops down to about 36.2 but sometimes drops further. It will hover around that temp for a few days then will suddenly rise to at least 36.6 and then will usually climb up to 36.8 after a few days. I always know I'm out as it will then plummet right before AF.
I didn't even temp this morning... just going to do opk's and dtd whenever possible.. the temping will just stress me out at this point.
FF counts ovulation after three consecutively high temps, the bigger dip you had on CD 10 won't have been marked as OV day as you have one higher temp, then it goes down again... do you see what I mean? It needs to be at least three days of highs... consecutively.

BBT can be inaccurate for many reasons though, for example if you'd had alcohol, restless sleep, woken up within the last 4 hours of your sleep etc. xx
I think temping is hard. It's hard to stick with but it's also hard to try and keep everything exactly the same for it to be accurate and thats impossible. You don't know if you've thrown your quilt off 5 times or not that night! lol
babylove I understand BBT enough to realize the three day temp rise is why FF is saying I ovulated but I didn't have a positive opk so I think it's inaccurate. I'm going to start temping again tomorrow had a rough night of sleep last night.. Still doing opk and still negatives.
Temp is still high but I'm also feeling a little under the weather. I hope I'm not getting sick! We're going on vacation on the 23rd! I'm still doing opk's I just don't believe I ov'd, I always get a positive opk.

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