Can anyone help??


Nov 12, 2009
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HI I'm new here! :wave: I just came off my BCP yesterday after taking it for a week. it wasn't my first cycle on it or anything been on it for about a year now, anyway does anyone think i'll ov this month don't chart or temp or anything. If there is a chance when do you think around iwould start? Any help would be great

Thanks xx
I'm not really clued up on the pill, but I'd assume you would O 14 days after the first day of your last period if you're not taking it properly... That said, if you've been on it a year it can take months for your body to regulate x
thankyou for your reply! i guess i'll just have to see maybe do a bit of googling haha xx
I assume you're coming off to TTC. Have you had a look at charting? Temping (BBT) and OPK would probably be the best way to see if you're ovulating x
yes i looked into but really wouldn't know where to start! LOL xx
It's pretty simple x

If you get a basal body temp themometer and some ovulation tests (think you can get both in Asda, although I tend to buy cheap ovulation tests in bulk off the internet) then you're sorted. Take your temp first thing in the morning before you do anything, think about anything, even move, then write it down. Take an ovulation test in the afternoon (I used to do mine at 11am and 2pm though as I had so many.) Positive ovulation tests mean the test line is darker than the control x
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Hi Beany!

I came off the pill at the end of a pack but in theory as soon as you stop it your cycle may return. I was one of the lucky ones for who it returned and settled really quickly but as Caitlyn's Mummy said it can take longer.

If you are on the TTC wagon then I'd just do the deed as and when you fancy this month - you may well ovulate. Then when you get your next AF, count that as day 1 (CD1) and make a note of the length of that cycle. Assume it will be 28 days if you were previously regular (or how ever long it was) and work it from there :)

This is a great little tool to play with ;)

Good luck!
Thankyou for your reply, well i only just finished my perios today! and stopped taking them yesterday! so do you thik i'll get any more blleding as i heard you can get some when you stop taking the BCP? xx
Good luck hon and hope its not too long for you
I would guess that u can ovulate more or less straight away with the warning that come withtaking antibiotics and stomach upsets...

I have found fertility friend (ff)really useful in helping me chart my cycles, there is also one called mymonthlycycles I think it is that is free, ff have charting courses and tips, not sure about the other one..

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