Came off the pill, no period iffy stomach.


Well-Known Member
Aug 5, 2013
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Hi ladies,

Any of you who have had 1+ children I need advice and help.
I came off the pill about 5 weeks ago and I tested about 3 weeks and negative right around testing I began having a bad tummy randomly like the runs and I've been to my dr he suspected ibs but I honestly don't think it is. I still haven't had a period and I've used this pill before and always had one at maybe a week or so later but been regular my son is 7 months old and my hubby and I have had sex but the condom has broken a fair few times :/ I'm unsure what's happening to me I also keep gettin fm phantom kicks. When I stopped my pill we'd had sex the day before I stopped it and the condom broke and a week later I had brown/pink spotting and nothing since I do get twinges/ cramps in both my hips and some odd foof pains. So anyone else have this happen and they where pregnant? I only get a bad stomach when I'm feeling sick and hungry at the same time.

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Hiya, didn't want to read and run.
Take another test. if it's negative, your body is probably still adjusting to coming off the pill which is normal. The first month i came off the pill i had loads of cramps and twinges, a few days later AF arrived. Hope you get the answer you're looking for!
Thank you hun, I've been putting of testing and just waiting for AF so I'll get a test ASAP xxx

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