c sections?


Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2007
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just wondering what everyones experience of c sections were and any after effects?

been feeling crap since mine and had a really traumatic experience.

lisa xxxx
i have had 2 sections and really liked them - then again its all relative as i had a horrible experience with a 'natural' birth that ended up with a 3rd degree tear. are you feeling tender? m/w told me after a section to pull my knees up very gently until my feet were flat on the bed and gently rock my knees from side to side before i tried to get up - i found this really helped. you should recover mobility gradually every day - by about 2weeks you should be fine but if you feel really sore check with your m/w it could be an infection.
take care
Hi Lisa :wave:

I had a bit of a traumatic experience too and felt rubbish for the first week, towards the second week I was feeling much better and resting lots (as I should have done during the first week!).

I also found it helped to have a good cry. On my first night home from the hospital I sat in the bath and bawled. It was partly relief to be home and partly over what I had been through.

Physically you should feel better soon :hug: :hug:
I had an emergency section after 20 hours of labour and although it was a relief to get on the operating table and Charlie being born healthy (although blue and floppy and needing help breathing initially) my biggest shock was the fact that not only was I knackered from the labour (my arms and legs hurt so much from tensing them during the labour) but in pain from the section and just felt really sorry for myself for the first week. Took me a couple of weeks to adjust to what had happened then took my time healing and pushing myself physically to get back to the way I was before! Pushing a pram did me the world of good.

After everything I think I would consider an 'elective' c-section next time as I would feel more in control and know what to expect.

My first emergency one i didnt like i was so disappointed and didnt really remember much of it or feel a bonding experience with it.
This second one i was more aware of how things went and remember most of the procedure and enjoyed it more .I also got to hold him with the second one

A c section was always what I dreaded the most but I ended up having an emergency one with my second baby.

I can honestly say that it wasn't half as bad as people make out. I know some people do unfortunately have bad experiences with them, but I think it was ok and I would quite happily go through it again.

The surgery itself was a relief after 10 hours labour and I have to say I enjoyed not having to go through the pain of natural childbirth :lol:

The recovery period is what I was worried about but as soon as they helped me out of bed the day after the birth, I felt so much better and I didnt really have any problems getting around or anything.

If anything I probably did too much! I've never been one for staying in bed and taking it easy, I like my independence too much. I was driving after 4 days (although that was cos I had no choice really but I was fine) and I could do pretty much everything myself. I was out and about after 5 days and people were amazed that I wasnt at home resting :shock:

Its been 4 weeks exactly since mine and I feel like my old self again :cheer: The worst thing about it was how I didnt get to hold Ryan straight away, I didnt even see him properly until they'd stitched me up and I didnt get to hold him until he was a few hours old.
I had an awful experience and ended up with an emergency section.. afterwards I was in a lot of pain and couldn't move much... I think it took 3 months for me to feel "normal" again and even now I have days where my scar hurts.

The emotional side of things was also tough but I managed to get help from professionals and we worked through some of my issues.

I would urge you to look for help from your HV if you are having problems either physically or mentally......

If you want to PM me to discuss more then please do,


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