Oh i am not looking forward to that at all haha! Im convinced he will cut a tooth early, i can feel little tooth buds on his gums already.
I was expressing and topping up with breast milk in a bottle in hospital but he is feeding really well so i dont have the time to pump now as hes either asleep on me or eating , great for my supply tho haha. What i have to do to sleep is get my OH to supervise and i sleep with lb in my arms or if he is in a dead sleep get my husband to let him sleep in his arms while i sleep, i haven't slept more than about an hour at a time since hes been born but surprisingly doing pretty well. i couldn't believe I had sore nipples, first its happened but thankfully i had cream bought but its gone again, ive no latch oroblems doing cradle hold.. I go back to work at six months so im not really sure how long im going to breastfeed for as i won't be able to pump in work. Just taking each day as it comes. It would be nice if my husband could do some feeds, hes never slept as well since baby has been born! But hes the same, he cant do much as lb only settles for me. I had pumped and had a bottle which my lb took no problems but i had to feed him after the bottle anyway.
Did you grt Christening sorted? His is tomorrow and i didn't even think about clothes for myself, whoops lol