C section stitches


Well-Known Member
Dec 18, 2009
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This is mainly out of curiosity really, but what type of stitches did you have for your section scar?

Mine you couldn't see at all, not even at the ends...I literally have no idea how she did it lol. I had the top surgeon watching in on it though apparently and I think she was trying to impress him. ( at my appointment with the consultant he was surprised to see that the surgeon was in there with me and said 'Ooo bet they did a good job then!')
Mine are the pull out type? Haven't had the guts to look yet tbh!!

I had big staples, no stitches. They were pulled out with a staple remover x
Dissolvable stitches here, got a lovely White/pink line now

I've heard of a couple of people having staples! Not sure I'd like that.

Isn't it weird how it's done differently. You'd think they'd just be a set way of doing it :/
The staples where horrible. I think I was stapled as it was an emergency situation and they needed to get me closed quickly to concentrate on stabilising me and getting blood back in x
I had dissolvable ones too. Mine was an emergency one, I was glad to have had it byt the time my son was born and out I felt relieved I could finally sleep x
I dont know if this is the same as what u ladies had but mine was like a thin metal rod with the sitches wrapped around the rod, and a 'handle' that was left uncovered...when i had them removed fil basicallay pulled the handle and the rod came out if that makes sense??
Yeah makes sense. I didnt have anything like that. It literally looked like I'd been scratched and that was it. Not even a tiny bit at the end.

Ahh cosmic yeah that's probably why.
i had disolvable stitches, you could jjust see one of them but mostly they were invisible, it was really wierd! I dunno how they do it either!
I had a beautiful purse-string stitch. Snip off one end, pull the other, and they all come out at once. Absolutely amazing.
ummmm I dont want to be the one to answer this question.... when my LO was 1 I still struggled with pain in yoga class :samsmum:
I've had 3 sections and my scar is fine now 10 weeks after having my third little one xxx took longer to recover after my third though
I've had both dissolvable and the long beaded stitch, i found the beaded stitch much better as you get a little relief when the midwife removes the one long stitch. I found the dissolvable to be a little itchy when healing and they don't always dissolve properly xx
I still have horrible sensations/numbness from mine and my c section was 4 years ago in April x

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