Brown discharge


Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2007
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I was due af yesterday tested positive on sunday. I am 14dpo today at 10dpo i had very slight brown sometimes pink cm only there when i wiped. I put this down to bd the night b4 but had to stop has my cervix was really hurting (never had this b4) i read cervix can become tender when pg and may cause slight bleeding after bding. By next day nothing.
Last night i got some brown discharge in panties not loads but enought to worry me it was only when i wiped last night and now in panties. so has increased slightly.

i m/c in dec last year and it has taken us 7 months to get pg again and i cant believe this is happing again. I had a m/c a month b4 i had my oldest he is 12 now. i went on to have two daughters with no m/c now all this. i have no pain and strange but my morning sickness started this morning my pg test this morning has got darker than sunday.

thanks for reading any advice or experiences would be appreciated.

hiya, i had pink/red bleeding after sex when i thought af was due, but turned out to be implantation.

brown discharge is very common and ive had it since day 1 of me finding out i was pregnant.
its still happening now, but i know everything is fine because ive seen the heartbeat etc.

dont worry too much, but if you are, phone your doctor :hug:
thank you soo much you have eased my mind it has eased off now by 50% fingers crossed.

and thank you for quick response.

marie x
sorry forgot to ask kimbo what does you doctor say causes brown discharge?

marie x
I had it too they just told me if was very common and not to worry. I still get a bit now even. I think yours is prob implantation bleeding but brown blood is odd blood and its your body getting rid of it i read somewhere!
Lots of ppl on here have had it so its fairly normal unless it turns red and got cramps with it.
i had brown discharge leading to brown spotting for about a week, it was around the time when my af was due at 8 weeks so docs put it down to tht, as ur due ur af this cud b whats happening to u too? if u get too worried cos it gets worse go to doc, or ring ur EPU and they may get you in for a scan. hope everything goes ok :)
thanks everyone you are giving me hope i am trying not to think about being pg as dont want to get my hopes up. but as it happened to some of you ladies and your pgs are going well i am trying to stay positive. i guess afetr last m/c its hard not to worry now.

many thanks

I had a scare at the weekend, quite a lot of brown blood, but they scanned me monday and we saw heartbeat, everything is fine.

They told me the blood from implantation can hang around, sort of pooled in the uterus and eventually it finds its way out as the uterus changes shape.

So hopefully everything is fine with you, good luck for a happy and healthy 9 months
thanks clarey i am hoping thats what it is. it has eased off and just getting slight cm which is a slight pinkish colour hope this is the end of it now.

so glad your beanie is ok i bet it was wonderful to see that heartbeat.

marie x

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