I BFed my LO till she hit one....I had to force it on her the last couple of weeks but I'd be damned if I stopped a week short of 1 year! She's self weaned now and I think part of her stopping so soon was me getting pregnant
I BFed for 6 months, but had a lot of problems. At 6 months LO just wouldn't BF anymore. I'm really looking forward to BFing for as long as possible with my next baby.
I BFed all 3 of my children and expressed for the twins. With R he was so small he didn't take to the breast that well but I refused to give up and then when he was 6 months I came down with a triple infection and one fo them was in my milk so I had to give up and put him on formula. It hurt so much to do it but I had to do what was right for my small, sick baby. He never went back to boob. L was BFed until she was 18 months and then she bite to hard and at 18 months she had ever single tooth include the 2nd molars and she draw blood so I decided enough was enough no more. But E he self weaned at 20 months. I was so gutted but I was also so happy that he did it his self. That is also one of the things I am looking forward to with this bubba. I can't wait to be a nursing mum again and my goal is 1 year anything after that is a bonus. Although I woul dliek toget to the 2 year mark as they still get so much out fo the breastmilk until they are 2
I'm still breastfeeding Oliver. He has just turned a year. I'm in a pickle at the moment, as weaning him off it would make life SOOOOO much easier what with being back at work. But we both enjoy it so much, I don't want to! So yes, still are and still enjoying it
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