Breastfeeding vs bottle feeding?

I bf'ed my lg for 2 weeks and then one day I broke and decided to give her a formula topup. I felt so guilty but my lg showed me I was doing the right thing by giving her formula because she became a happier more content baby.

Do what's right for you and your baby just remember you give him the best start. And don't let anyone sway your decision
Thanks ladies for sharing, in response to not wanting to give formula I was the same exactly that I just wanted to bfeed but it just didn't work out and whatever is best for you both is the right way I think. I enjoy our cuddles still one thing I found hard was not doing bfeeding of a night it was our comfort for me and for my son I'm a touchy person I like hugs and just snuggling up to my baby and hubby and honestly he's still my cuddle bug I'd breastfeed my second baby for maybe 2 weeks but then again the next baby may not like bfeeding or formula every baby is different I have noticed girl babies not
In every case don't want to latch etc but that's from lots of friends with baby girls telling me that their baby girls don't want to latch xxx

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